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Internet Word of the Day

scroll (and) scroll bar

Scrolling is the act of moving the scroll bar in a program's active display window. The scroll bars on the right-hand side and bottom of the screen in most GUIs have a pair of arrows pointing up and down or left and right, respectively. You can click on the arrows to move the information in the screen in the desired direction. This allows a user to see...

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NetLingo Word of the Year 2024

Word of the Year: brat

NetLingo Word of the Year 2023: AI
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The year 2024 was quite the spectacle! From the Summer Olympics and Taylor Swift to the Solar Eclipse and the Ongoing Wars... still, one thing stood out the most: the U.S. Election. Once Biden stepped down and Harris stepped up, U.S. politics dominated the media. No wonder a grrl needed a "brat summer" to tune out and party on! Find out why brat made NetLingo's Word of the Year...

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