wired community

Some will call it a modern Utopia, others the total invasion of privacy. Here's an example of how a wired community works:
Fiber-optic cable runs under the street and into your house, and the Internet is always-on, at speeds that are 100 times faster than a 56K modem. The same wires also deliver cheap phone service (POTS) with video capability, plus hundreds of digital cable channels and HDTV signals. The network within your home allows you to monitor systems such as your burglar alarm and air conditioning from any computer in the world (including the one in your car). Meanwhile, you can also login to your office from your living room or have a casual conversation with your neighbor via the Net. With everyone's e-mail address listed on the community intranet, you can plan parties via e-mail or peruse the local BBS to find a babysitter. handheld and auto-based computers will offer access to GPS technology that allows you to track the location, say, of the public bus or to get directions and traffic reports on your way to wherever. Concerned mothers can check the cam in the local day-care center, and since local stores and commercial outlets such as the bank operate online, you can order dinner, a dry-cleaning pickup, and even home-delivery of your groceries. The local hospital and school are also on the network, which means you can check in remotely with doctors and teachers as they access the latest in long-distance learning and telemedicine.
It may sound a bit far-fetched but in fact, it's here.

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