a.k.a. hybrid bandwidthUnmetered describes content that's free of usage charges when you download it. In other words, unmetered is jargon for a server Internet connection in which no bandwidth overage charge is possible.
Historical perspective: Why all this fuss over hybrid? The bottom line is that just as the price of gas costs more, and therefore a car that gets more mileage can save lots of money, the same thing goes with Internet bandwidth. People are using more and more bandwidth because more and more people are getting "faster" connections like cable modems and DSL and more and more people are sharing more and more files like MP3s and - what are often called "rich" files - viewing or trading files that contain audio and video.
The average server is using more and more bandwidth so one way to lower cost is to start out each hybrid server with a 10mbps "unmetered" connection which can be expanded later. 10mbps, is the capacity- like the size of a pipe and in a given month, one could transfer as much as 3,300 gigs of traffic through this- a huge amount of bandwidth equivalent to nearly 7 T1 lines. The cost? A mere $88/month which includes 24 hours support, power, and colocation space.
Several VOIP companies (using Internet for phone calls), entertainment companies for IPTV (using Internet for television) and many online 3D gaming companies are now using Hybrid Bandwidth successfully. In the past, bandwidth was just too expensive for many of these emerging technologies to take flight.

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