Science, Technology, Engineering, MathWhat is STEM? It’s an acronym used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, newsgroups, social media postings and in the real world, it is also known as text message shorthand, chat acronyms, cyberslang and leetspeak.
For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on "more info" below!
Historical perspective: In 2018 some of the U.S.’s biggest tech firms partnered with the government to help prepare more students and workers for the jobs of the future. Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and SalesForce committed $50 million each to a new White House project to boost science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and computing skills among K-12 students. The private sector money was combined with at least $200 million in grants from the Department of Education.

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