smart sock
a.k.a. wearable techA baby jumpsuit that can monitor an infant’s heart rate, oxygen levels, temperature, and sleeping habits and sync its data with a mobile app.
Historical perspective: In 2013, researchers at Brigham Young University developed a new way to track your baby’s condition, said Margaret Rhodes in The “Owlet Baby Monitor” is a baby-size “smart sock” that can keep tabs on an infant’s heart rate, oxygen levels, temperature, and sleeping habits. It even features “a rollover alert to ease the universal anxiety of new parents, sending notice if the baby turns facedown in the crib.” The device can sync its data with a mobile app, and is made of easily cleanable silicone. “Being dads ourselves, we realize babies don’t stay the cleanest or driest all the time,” said Jordan Monroe. “And it’s food grade, so if you took a bite out of it, then nothing would happen to your stomach.”

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