
Nicknames for cities and areas with a heavy concentration of high-tech firms. "Siliconia" began as appropriations of names beginning with "Silicon" in areas outside of Silicon Valley; the names are meant to capture something unique about the area's regional character.
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- Automation Alley - Oakland County, Michigan
- Billy-can Valley - Arnhem Land, northern Australia
- Biotech Beach - Orange County, California
- Bit Valley - area in Japan
- Bollywood - Delhi, India
- CWM Silicon - Newport, Gwent, South Wales
- Cyberabad - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Cyberchella Valley - Coachella Valley from Palm Springs to Thermal, California
- Cyber District - Boston, Massachusetts
- Digital Coast - Coast south from Ventura, California
- Digital Rhine - Over-the-Rhine area in Cincinnati, Ohio
- Dot Bowl - another name for Silicon Valley, California
- Dot Commonwealth - Massachusetts
- DSP Valley - area around the University of Leuven, Belgium
- e-coast - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- e-country - Fairfax County, Virginia
- Flanders Language Valley - area between Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium
- Hollywired - Hollywood, California
- India's Silicon Valley - Bangalore, India
- Intelligent Island - Singapore
- Kiselsta - Kista, a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden
- Media Del Rey - Santa Monica / Marina Del Rey, California
- Multimedia Gulch - San Francisco, California
- Multimedia Super Corridor - area south of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Philicon Valley - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Silicon Alley - lower Manhattan, New York City, NY
- Silicon Alps - Carinthia, Austria
- Silicon Bayou - Louisiana (and) Boca Raton, Florida
- Silicon Beach - Santa Barbara, California
- Silicon Bog - the midlands of Ireland
- Silicon Corridor - Chicago, Illinois, specifically the the city's western suburbs along I-88
- Silicon City - Chicago, Illinois
- Silicon Desert - Phoenix, Arizona
- Silicon Ditch - the M4 Corridor, west out of London, England
- Silicon Dominion - Virginia
- Silicon Fen - Cambridge, England
- Silicon Freeway - Southern California
- Silicon Forest - Portland, Oregon and the area around Route 26, west of Portland
- Silicon Forest Australia - eastern Australia
- Silicon Glacier - the region around Kalispel, Montana
- Silicon Glen - the region around Livingston, Scotland
- Silicon Gulch - San Jose, California (and) Austin, Texas
- Silicon Hill - the area around Hudson, Massachusetts
- Silicon Hills - the hills west of downtown Austin, Texas
- Silicon Hollow - Oak Ridge, Tennesee
- Silicon Holler - north Virginia & suburbs of Washington D.C.
- Silicon Island - St. John, Virgin Islands (and) Long Island, New York (and) Alameda, California (and) Taiwan, Republic of China (and) Whidbey Island, Washington
- Silicon Isle - Ireland
- Silicon Mesa - north Albuqueque and the Rio Rancho area of New Mexico
- Silicon Mountain - Mountaintop, Pennsylvania (and) Colorado Springs, Colorado (and) Hudson, Massachusetts
- Silicon Necklace - suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts
- Silicon Orchard - Wenatchee Valley, Washington
- Silicon Parkway - the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey (and) the area around the Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, Connecticut
- Silicon Plain - Kempele, Finland
- Silicon Plains - Lincoln, Nebraska (and) Atadim Park, in north Tel Aviv, Israel
- Silicon Plantation - Virginia
- Silicon Plateau - Bangalore, India
- Silicon Polder - The Netherlands
- Silicon Prairie - Lincoln, Nebraska (and) Kansas City, Missouri (and) Payne County, Oklahoma (and) the area around Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota (and) Chicago, Illinois (and) Richardson, Texas (and) Urbana/Champaign area of Illinois (and) Sioux Falls vicinity, South Dakota (and) Iowa City / Fairfield vicinity, Iowa (and) Ed Bluestein Boulevard, Austin, Texas
- Silicon Rain Forest - Seattle, Washington
- Silicon River - the Kansas City - Columbia - St. Louis Corridor in Missouri
- Silicon Sandbar - Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Silicon Saxony - eastern state of Saxony, Germany
- Silicon Seaboard - Richmond, Virginia
- Silicon Snowbank - area around Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
- Silicon Spires - Oxford, England
- Silicon Swamp - Indiantown, Florida (and) Perry, Florida
- Silicon Triangle - area around Raleigh / Durham, NC
- Silicon Tundra - area around Ottawa, Canada (and) area around Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
- Silicon Valais - Valais, Switzerland
- Silicon Valley - San Jose, California and surroundings
- Silicon Valley North - area around Ottawa, Canada
- Silicon Valley of the East - Penang State, Malaysia
- Silicon Valley Forge - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Silicon Village - North Adams, Massachusetts (and) Scotts Valley, California
- Silicon Vineyard - Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada (and) Petaluma / Santa Rosa / Napa Valley, CA
- Silicon Wadi - Israel
- Silicorn Valley - Fairfield, Iowa
- Siliwood - Hollywood, California
- Teknopolis - greater Johor Bahru city, Johor State, Malaysia
- Telecom Beach - San Diego, California
- Telecom Corridor - Richardson, Texas
- Telecom Valley - Minas Gerais, Brazil (and) Catawba County, North Carolina (and) The Riviera, France
- Webport - Portland, Maine
See also : city acronyms C-T
NetLingo Classification: Online Jargon

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