
Another term for software, it is basically a list of instructions (written in a programming language) that tells a computer how to execute certain functions and perform tasks in a specific way.
There are many kinds of programs, including:
* antivirus, which detect and remove computer viruses
* application, which are tools that perform specific kinds of tasks (such as word processing)
* authoring, to help create Web sites
* calendar, which contain a calendar or appointment book
* child, which are actually subprograms loaded into memory and used by the main program
* computer program components (CPC), which are routines or modules within a larger program
* conversion, which change a file from one format to another
* demo, which exhibit a sample of a program for free or for a low price
* drawing, used for drawing, illustrating, and editing graphics
* event-driven, which wait for events to occur and then respond to them
* file recovery, which restore files that have been damaged or unintentionally deleted,
* file transfer programs (FTP), which enable a user to copy a file from one computer to another
* formatingt, which erase a disk and prepare it for use
* system, such as the operating system
* utility, which maintain the computer system

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