online job searching

To search for a job on the Internet takes patience. There are hundreds of thousands of career opportunities listed online. Online job searching can take many forms. For example, you can go to a search directory and type in the keywords "job sites" (or something similar) and you will get hundreds of results of Web sites that list career opportunities.
One can also look through the classified listings of major newspapers' Web sites, browse job-related or geographically-oriented newsgroups, surf the Web to find the employment sections of corporate Web sites (most sites have a permanent icon on their homepage for career opportunities), post a resume on one of many job Web sites (it must be in ASCII text, so first save it to a SimpleText or Notepad file, then cut-and-paste it into the Web site's form), perform keyword searches on one of many job Web sites, subscribe to a job-related online newsletter, join a job-related mailing list, contact an online recruiter (ecruiter), use e-mail to network with fellow colleagues, and so on. Millions of netizens have found jobs via the Net, and if you're still reading this, you probably can, too.

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