A newsgroup is a forum for sharing information. Each one is an area on the Internet that allows users to post messages and reply to other users. It is an online discussion forum similar to that found on local BBSs, but you need a newsreader in order to participate. Segmented into many different subjects (approximately 125,000), newsgroups have titles that usually begin with a three- or four-letter prefix followed by a dot ("."). For example, alt., soc., comp., misc., rec., and sci. are some of the most popular ones.

A newsgroup is a forum for sharing information. Each one is an area on the Internet that allows users to post messages and reply to other users.
It is an online discussion forum similar to that found on local BBSs, but you need a newsreader in order to participate. Segmented into many different subjects (approximately 25,000), newsgroups have titles that usually begin with a three- or four-letter prefix followed by a dot ("."). For example, alt., soc., comp., misc., rec., and sci. are some of the most popular ones.
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