The manosphere refers to a cluster of young male social media stars who have a massive influence among young men. Similar to the blogosphere, it is a group that shares common attributes, in this case irreverant humor, pranking people, cracking jokes, and talking about sports, fighting, women, pop culture, and video games.
Historical perspective: In 2024, podcaster Joe Rogan was very popular with the manosphere as was Will Compton and Taylor Lewan of Barstool Sports’ Bussin’ With the Boys podcast, the Southern California–based prank troupe known as the Nelk Boys, streamer Adin Ross, comedian and podcaster Theo Von, and Logan Paul, a pro wrestler whose YouTube channels have more than 30 million followers.
These guys apparently share a disdain for a society they see as too “woke” and feminized.
NetLingo Classification: Online Jargon

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