kangaroo parent
a.k.a. kangaroo mom, kangaroo mumA concept loosely adapted from kangaroo care (of preterm infants), of which two of the main features are skin-to-skin contact and exclusive breastfeeding. In contrast to the coldness of incubators, this method promotes the bonding of mother and child, allowing them to heal together.
Being a "kangaroo mom" connotes being warm and nurturing, not just for the sake of the moment, but also for long-term benefits and goals. It’s not the same as coddling, which is motivated by fear of what may happen to the child if the parent isn’t there to intervene. "Kangaroo mums" are considered supportive and enabling, not stifling.
Historical perspective: This term comes from Singaporean parents who can be a bit “kancheong” when it comes to their children. Translating that word (from Cantonese, but used widely by Singaporeans of all backgrounds) doesn’t quite do it justice, but it’s a mix of being anxious and high-strung with a dash of crazy. It’s closely related to being “kiasu,” (a Hokkien word, but also well-used in Singaporean vernacular) which means “afraid to lose.” Singaporean parents want to make sure that their children always have the best, whether it's education, values, exposure to the world and all other aspects of growing and learning. Enrichment classes, brain food supplements, extreme competitiveness to get one’s child into top preschools, the quest to be the best begins early on. - As seen on ParentMap

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