Japanese smileys

A derivative of the emoticon, this form of smiley is a sequence of typed characters that creates a facial expression. As is the case with straight-on smileys, Japanese smileys do not require users to tilt their heads sideways in order to see them. These smileys are developed by Internet users in Japan and even though they reflect cultural nuances, they are fast becoming common forms of online expression worldwide. Note: Some versions of these emoticons leave out the ( ) brackets around the faces.
(^_^) - male smiley
(^.^) - female smiley
(^L^) or (^(^) - happy
(-_-) - secret smile
(^o^) - laughing out loud
(^_^;) - laughing to cover nervousness
(^_^)/ - waving hello
(;_;)/ - waving goodbye
(^_~) or (^_-) - winking
(*^o^*) or (*^.^*) - exciting
(^_^)/ - joyful
(;_;) or (~~>.<~~) - crying
(>.<) or (>_<) - angry
(v_v) - expressionless
(^o^;> - excuse me?
(*^_^*) - blushing (or shy)
(^_^;;;) - embarrassed (or in a cold sweat)
(?_?) - confused (or wondering)
(!_!) or (o_o) - shocked
(*_*) - frightened (or in love)
(=_=)~ - sleepy
(u_u) - sleeping
(@_@) - stunned
'=o-o=/' - wearing glasses
m(_)m - humble bow of thanks or apology

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