international online jargon
a.k.a. international texting phrases, international lingo, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Welsh, Czech, ChineseOnline jargon is universal and used all over the world in texting, social media, email, blogs, and online postings, etc. Whatever the foreign word for "and" is, the symbol "&" is likely used instead, and the same applies to the @ sign.
Here are some International Texting Guidelines:
- Italian sei 'six' for sei 'you are' for example: dv6 = dove sei 'where are you'
- German acht 'eight' for example: gn8 = gute Nacht 'good night'
- Spanish dos 'two' for example: s12 = saludos 'greetings'
- French sept 'seven' pronounced 'set' for example: k7 = cassette 'cassette'
- Welsh un 'one' for example: 1ig = unig 'only'
- Swedish ett 'one' for example: d1a = detta 'this'
- Norwegian sy 'seven' for example: 7k = sjuk 'sick'
- Persian do 'two' for example: 2nya = donya 'world'
- Hungarian egy 'one' for example: 1ik = egyik 'either'
Here are more international texting terms and phrases:
@+, A+, À plus - later ‘later’
@2m1, a2m1 - a demain ‘until tomorrow’
1 - un ‘one’
12C4 - un de ces quatre ‘one of these days’
2 ri 1 - de rien ‘you're welcome’
6ne - cine ‘cinema’
a12C4 - a un de ces quatres ‘see you one of these days’
alp - a la prochaine ‘bye bye for now’
amha - a mon humble avis ‘in my humble opinion’
apls, @+ - a plus ‘see you later’
asv - age, sexe, ville ‘age sex, location’
auj - aujourd’hui ‘today’
b1sur - bien sur ‘of course’
bcp - beaucoup ‘very much’
bi1to - bientot ‘soon’
bjr - bonjour ‘good day’
bsr - bonsoir ‘good evening’
c, ce - c’est ‘it is’
cad - c’est a dire ‘that is’
cb1 - c’est bien ‘that’s good’
c cho - c’est chaud ‘it’s hot’
che - chez ‘at the home of’
chu, chui, chuis - je suis ‘I am’
cmal1 - c’est malin ‘that’s sneaky’
c pa 5pa - c’est pas sympa ‘that’s not nice’
cpg - c’est pas grave ‘it’s not bad’
ct - c’etait ‘it was’
d - de ‘of’
d100 - descend ‘get down’
dak, d’ac - d’accord ‘ok’
dqp - des que possible ‘as soon as possible’
dsl - desole ‘sad’
edr - ecroule de rire ‘laughing out loud’
entk, entouk - en tout cas ‘in any case’
fds - fin de semaine ‘weekend’
ght2v1 - j’ai achete du vin ‘I bought some wine’
gr - gros ‘large’
GspR b1 - j’espere vien ‘I hope so’
gt - j’etais ‘I was’
je, g - j’ai ‘I have’
je c - je sais ‘I know’
je le saV - je le savais ‘I knew it’
jenemar - j’en ai marre ‘I’m sick of it’
je t’m - je t’aime ‘I love you’
je ve, j’ve - je vais ‘I’m going’
jms - jamais ‘never’
kand, kan - quand ‘when’
kdo - cadeau ‘gift’
ke - que ‘that, what’
kel - quell, quelle ‘which’
keske - qu’est-ce que ‘what’
ki - qui ‘who’
koi - quoi ‘what’
1ckc - elle s’est cassee ‘she left’
lut, slt - salut ‘hi’
mdr - mort de rire ‘rolling on the floor laughing’
mr6 - merci ‘thanks’
msg - message ‘ message’
nsp - ne sais pas ‘dunno’
o - au ‘in the, at the’
ok1 - aucun ‘none’
oqp - occupe ‘busy’
oue - ouais ‘yeah’
parske - parce que ‘because’
p-e, pitit - peut-etre ‘maybe’
pkoi - pourquoi ‘why’
po, pa - pas ‘not’
qq - quelques ‘some’
qqn - quelqu’un ‘someone’
queske, q-c q - qu’est-ce que ‘what’
koi29 - quoi de neuf ‘what’s new’
raf - rien a faire ‘nothing to do’
ras - rien a signaler ‘nothing to report’
rdv - rendez-vous ‘date’
re - retour, rebonjour ‘I’m back’
ril - rien ‘nothing’
savapa - ca va pas ‘is something wrong’
stp - s’il te plait ‘please’
svp - s’il vous plait ‘please’
t - t’es ‘you are’
tabitou - t’habites ou ‘where do you live’
tt - t’etais ‘you were’
ti - petit ‘little’
tjs - toujours ‘always’
tkc - t’es casse ‘you’re tired’
tlm - tout le monde ‘everyone’
t nrv - t’es enerve ‘are you irritated’
tok - t’es ok ‘are you ok’
toqp - t’es occupe ‘are you busy’
v1 - viens ‘come’
vas-y - vazi ‘go’
vrman - vraiment ‘really’
vx - veux ‘want’
x - crois, croit ‘believe’
ya - il y a ‘there is/are’
DE SECOURS - backup
LA DON…E - data
LA BASE DE DONN…ES - database
NUM…RIQUE - digital
LA VISU or LE VISUEL - display
LE TIRAGE or LE FAC-SIM - hardcopy
LA MAT…REIL - hardware
LE PHOTOSTYLE - light pen
EN LIGNE - online
LE LOGICEL - software
LE TRAITEMENT DE TEXTE - word processing
3n - nie niemals, mirgendwo 'no way, no how, nowhere'
3st - das war dreist ‘that was cheeky’
8ung - achtung ‘attention’
anws - auf nimmerwiedersehn ‘for good and all’
baba - bye bye ‘bye bye’
bbb - bis bald baby ‘see you soon baby’
bihoba - bis hoffentlich bald ‘hope to see you soon’
bild - birchen, ich liebe dich ‘baby I love you’
bs - bis spater 'see you later'
dad - denk an dich 'thinking of you'
dbee - du bist ein engle ‘you’re an angel’
dbmtm - du bist mein traummann ‘you’re my dream man’
dg - dumm gelaufen 'shit happens'
DiV - Danke im Voraus 'thanks in advance'
Ff - Fortsetzung folgt 'to be continued'
G - Grinsen 'grin'
gn8 - guten nacht ‘good night’
guk - gruss und kuss ‘love and kisses’
G&K - Gruss und Kuss 'love and kisses'
hdal - habe dich auch lieb ‘love you too’
hdl - habe dich lieb ‘love you’
hdlas - hast du lust auf sex ‘wanna have sex’
hdlfiue - habe dich lieb fur immer und ewig ‘love you now and forever’
hdml - habe dich mega lieb ‘love you lots’
HDOS - Halt die Ohren steif 'keep a stiff upper lip'
idad - ich denk an dich ‘I’m thinking of you’
ild, ily - ich lieve dich ‘I love you’
itvd - ich traum von dir ‘I’m dreaming of you’
KA - Keine Ahnung 'no idea'
kb - korrespondenz beendet ‘message ends’
kd - knuddel dich ‘cuddling you’
khzm - kommste heut zu mire 'come out with me today'
KK - Kein Kommentar 'no comment'
lamito - lache mich tot ‘laughing myself to death’
ldnu - lass dich nicht unterkriegen ‘stand your ground’
lg - liebe grusse ‘kind regards’
lidumi? - liebst du mich? ‘do you love me?’
mad - mag dich ‘love you’
mdt - mag dich trotzdem ‘still love you’
MfG - Mit freundlichen Grussen ‘with best wishes’
nok - nicht ohne kondom ‘not without condom’
MWN - Meines Wissens nicht 'not to my knowledge'
Pg - Pech gehabt 'bad luck'
sofa - sonntagsfahrer ‘Sunday driver’
ss - schreib zuruck ‘write soon’
ssz - schreib schnell zuruck 'write back quickly'
sTn - schonen Tag noch 'have a good one'
tabu - tausend bussis ‘thousand kisses’
tml - tut mir leid ‘sorry’
ts - traume suss 'sweet dreams'
UAwg - Um Antwort wird gebeten 'RSVP'
wdmmg - willst du mit mir gehen ‘will you come out with me’
we - wochenende ‘weekend’
widmihei - wilst du mich heiraten ‘will you marry me’
www - wir werden warten 'we'll wait'
+- - piu o meno ‘more or less’
anke - anche ‘also’
c sent - ci sentiamo ‘see you later’
cmq - comunque ‘anyhow’
dm - domani ‘tomorrow’
dp - dopo ‘after’
dr - dire ‘say’
dv 6 - dove sei ‘where are you’
dx - destra ‘right’
frs - forse ‘perhaps’
ke - che ‘what, that’
ki - chi ‘who’
km - come ‘how’
kn - con ‘with’
ks - cosa ‘thinkg
-male - meno male ‘luckily
mmt+ - mi manchi tantissimo ‘I miss you very much’
nm - numero ‘number’
nn - non ‘not’
prox - prossimo ‘next’
qlk - qualche ‘some’
qlk1 - qualcuno ‘someone’
qlks - qualcosa ‘something’
qnd - quando ‘when’
qndi - quindi ‘therefore’
qnt - quanto ‘how much’
qst - questo ‘this one’
rsp - rispondi ‘reply’
scs - scusa ‘excuse’
sl - solo ‘only’
smpr - sempre ‘always’
sms - messaggio ‘message’
sn - sono ‘are’
spr - sapere ‘know’
sw - sinistra ‘left’
sxo - spero ‘I hope’
t tel+trd - ti telefono piu tardi ‘I’ll phone you later’
trnqui - tranquillo ‘calm’
trp - troppo ‘too much’
tvtb - ti voglio tanto bene ‘I like you very much’
xche, xke, xk - perche ‘why, because’
xcio - percio ‘therefore’
xo - pero ‘but’
xsona - persona ‘person’
xxx - tanti baci ‘lots of kisses’
BOOTSTRAPPARE - to bootstrap
BUFFERIZARE - to buffer
COMPUTERIZARE - to computerize
DEBUGGARE - to debug
EDITARE - to edit
HARDWARISTA - hardware designer
MULTIPLEXARE - to multiplex
PROCESSARE - to process
RANDOMIZZAZIONE - random access
SETTATO - a set
SHIFTARE - to shift-key
SOFTWARISTA - software designer
SORTARE - to sort
100pre - siempre ‘always’
a10 - adiós ‘goodbye’
a2 - adiós ‘goodbye’
aki - aquí ‘here’
amr - amor ‘love’
aora - ahora ‘now’
asdc - al salir de clase ‘after class’
asias - gracias ‘thanks’
b - bien ‘well, good’
bb - bebé ‘baby’
bbr - bbr ‘to drink’
bs, bss - besos ‘kisses’
bye - adiós ‘goodbye’
b7s - besitos ‘kisses’
c - sé, se ‘I know’
cam - cámara ‘camera’
chao, chau ‘adiós ‘goodbye’
d - de ‘from, of’
d2 - dedos ‘fingers’
dcr - decir ‘to say’
dew, dw - adiós ‘goodbye’
dfcl - difícil ‘difficult’
dim - dime ‘tell me’
dnd - dónde ‘where’
exo - hecho ‘act’
ems - hemos ‘we have’
ers - eres tú ‘you are, are you’
ers2 - eres tú ‘are you’
eys - ellos ‘they, you’
grrr - enfadado ‘angry’
finde - fin de semana ‘weekend’
fsta - fiesta ‘party’
hl - hasta luego ‘see you later’
hla - hola ‘hello’
iwal - igual ‘equal’
k - que, qué ‘that, what’
kbza - cabeza ‘head’
kls - clase ‘class’
kntm - cuéntame ‘tell me’
kyat - cállate -‘shut up’
KO - estoy muerto ‘I'm in big trouble’
km - como ‘as, like’
m1ml - mándame un mensaje luego ‘send me a message later’
msj - msnsaje ‘message’
mxo - mucho ‘a lot’
nph - no puedo hablar ‘I can't talk now’
npn - no pasa nada ‘nothing's happening’
pa - para, padre ‘for, father’
pco - poco ‘a little’
pdt - piérdete ‘get lost’
pf - por favor ‘please’
pls - por favor ‘please’
pq - porque, porqué ‘because, why’
q - que, qu.a ‘that, what’
q acs? - ¿Qué haces? ‘What are you doing? ’
qand, qando - cuando, cuándo ‘when’
qdms - quedamos ‘we're staying’
q plomo! - ¡Qué plomo! ‘What a drag! ’
q qrs? - ¿Qué quieres? ‘What do you want? ’
q risa! - ¡Qué risa! ‘What a laugh! ’
q sea - qué sea ‘whatever’
q tal? - qué tal ‘What's happening? ’
sbs? - ¿sabes? ‘Do you know? ’
salu2 - saludos ‘hello, goodbye’
sms - mensaje ‘message’
spro - espero ‘I hope’
tq - te quiero ‘I love you’
tqi - tengo que irme ‘I have to leave’
tas OK? - ¿Estás bien? ‘Are you OK? ’
tb - también ‘also’
uni - universidad ‘university, college’
vns? - ¿Vienes? ‘Are you coming? ’
vos - vosotros ‘you’
wpa - ¡Guapa! ‘Sweet! ’
xdon - perdón ‘sorry’
xfa - por favor ‘please’
xo - pero ‘but’
xq - porque, porqué ‘because, why’
ymam, ymm ‘llámame - call me’
zzz - dormir ‘sleeping’
- - menos ‘less’
+ - mais ‘more’
+- - mais ou menos ‘more or less’
= - igual ‘equal’
bjs - beijos ‘kisses’
c/ - com ‘with’
c/o - como ‘how’
ily ou ilu - amo-te ‘i love you’
k - quê ‘that, which’
lol - a rir alto ‘laughing out loud‘
msg - mensagem ‘message’
msm - mesmo ‘same’
ñ ou n ou na- não ‘no, not’
p/ - para ‘for, through’
pq - porque ‘because’
q - que ‘that, which’
qq - qualquer ‘any’
rotfl - rebola-se no chão de riso ‘rolling on the floor laughing’
tb - também ‘also’
tks ou thx - obrigado ‘thanks’
x - vez ‘time’
& - en ‘and’
218 - te laat ‘late’
b& - ben ‘am’
blk - bleek ‘pale’
d - de ‘the that’
dk - dat ‘that’
dt - dat ‘that’
gl - geen ‘no’
gep - geen enkel problem ‘no problem’
gkcht - gekocht ‘bought’
gld - geld ‘money’
hb - heb ‘have’
ikvou - ik houd van je ‘I love you’
ikwniet - ik weet niet ‘I don’t know’
j - je, jij, jou ‘you’
k - ik ‘I’
khb - ik heb ‘I have’
kmn - komen ‘come’
kmt - komt ‘comes’
kn - kan ‘can’
krgt - krijgt ‘gets’
lf - lief ‘dear’
m, mn - mijn ‘my’
mgge - morgen ‘morning’
mkn - maken ‘make’
mr, ma - maar ‘but’
n, 1 - een ‘one’
ngd8 - nagedacht ‘thought’
nr - naar ‘to, at’
nt - niet ‘not’
nwe - nieuwe ‘new’
ok - ook ‘too’
oppt - oppie toppie ‘just perfect’
ovr - over ‘about, over’
r - er ‘there’
s - is ‘is’
tis - het is ‘it is’
v, vn - van ‘of, from’
vl - veel ‘much’
vm - van mij ‘from me’
vor, vr - voor ‘before, for’
vrdr - verder ‘further’
vrlfd - verliefd ‘in love’
wrm - warm ‘warm’
zvl - zoveel ‘so much’
al - akku loppuu ‘the battery is running out’
aun - ala unta naa ‘dream on’
eos - en osaasanoa ‘can’t tell you’
et - ei todellakaan ‘impossible’
evvk - ei vois vahempaa kiinnostaa ‘don’t give a damn’
hih - hihitan iteseni henglilta ‘laughing to hell’
jk - henkilokohtainen ‘personal’
hy - hyvaa yota ‘good night’
jks - jarjen kaytto sallittua ‘common sense permitted’
miso - missa olet? ‘where are you’
misume - miten sulla menee ‘how are you’
mrs - mina rakastan sinua ‘I love you’
tmy - tule meille yoksi ‘will you come back for the night’
tt - terkkua tutuille ‘greetings to all’
3vlig - trevlig ‘nice’
7k - sjuk ‘sick’
asg - asgarv ‘big laugh’
bsdv - bara sa du vet ‘just so you know’
cs - ses ‘see you’
d - du/dig/din/det ‘you, it’
d1a - detta ‘this’
dt - det ‘ it’
e,r - ar ‘is’
eg - egentligen ‘really’
f1 - fett ‘cool’
fr - fran ‘from’
hare - ha det bra ‘take care’
iaf - I alla fall ‘in any case’
iofs - I och for sig ‘actually’
ivg - I varje fall ‘anyhow’
lixom - liksom ‘like’
lr, elle - eller ‘or’
mkt - mycket ‘much’
ngn, non - nagon ‘someone’
ngt - nagonting ‘something’
o, oxa, axa - ocksa ‘also’
pok, p&k - puss och kram ‘kiss and hug’
ql - kul ‘fun’
r - ar ‘are’
t - tid ‘time’
tfn - telefon ‘phone’
tkr - tycker ‘think’
x - puss ‘kiss’
?wt - ble wyt ti ‘where are you’
@b - ateb ‘answer’
@ch - atoch ‘to you’
@f - ataf ‘to me’
@t - atat ‘to you’
0 - dim ‘not’
01ia2 - dymuniadau ‘wishes’
01ia2 A1 - dymuniadau gorau ‘best wishes’
0N10 - dim yn deg ‘not fair’
1ig - unig ‘only’
1ryw1 - unrhyw un ‘anyone’
8nosa - wythnosau ‘weeks’
9 - nain ‘gran’
9r - nawr ‘now’
bath - rhywbeth ‘something’
bo - bod ‘be’
bxo - becsio ‘worry’
cal - cael ‘have’
cdb - cau dy ben ‘shut up’
cmru m bth - Cymru am Byth ‘Wales forever’
d - wedi ‘after’
d1 - wedyn ‘afterwards’
fo - hefo ‘with’
g3 - garter ‘home’
gneud, gnd - gwneud ‘do’
gt, oo - gweld ti ‘see you’
gtd1, gtw - gweld ti wedyn ‘see you later’
gwbo - gwybod ‘know’
hlo - helo ‘hello’
iwn - iawn ‘well’
lla - efallai ‘perhaps’
m - am ‘for’
m8a - mwytha ‘cuddles’
m8o - mwytho ‘cuddle’
ma - mae ‘is’
mav, MaV - dyma fi ‘here I am’
mel - meddwl ‘think’
mnd - mynd ‘go’
mn nw - maen nhw ‘they are’
n - yn ‘in’
N2 (3, 4, 5, etc.) - ein dau ‘one, two, etc.’
n2 (3, 4, 5, etc.) - ni’n dau ‘us two, etc.’
nw - enw ‘name’
odd - oedd ‘was’
pa - paid a ‘don’t’
pbl - pobol ‘people’
pll - pell ‘far’
Q - cyw ‘chick’
r - ar ‘on’
rbennig - arbennig ‘special’
ryw1 - rhywun ‘someone’
sio - eisiau ‘want’
smai, sumai - sut mae? ‘how are you’
st, su - sut ‘how’
su - sydd ‘is’
sxi - secsi ‘sexy’
t - ti ‘you’
tav, TaV - ti a fi ‘you and me’
tcso - tecstio ‘text’
tiv, TiV - ti I fi ‘you to me’
v - fi ‘me’
w - wyt ‘you are’
xxx - swsus ‘kisses’
bo - nebot ‘because’
cj - co je ‘what’
csdd - co se da delat ‘well, it can’t be helped’
ctmb - co to ma byt ‘what’s that supposed to mean’
dh - drz hubu ‘shut up’
dn - dobrou noc ‘good night’
dyz - kdyz ‘when, if’
hh - ha ha ‘ha ha’
hosipa - hovno si pamatuju ‘I can’t remember anything’
jj - jo jo ‘oh yes’
jn - jo no ‘ok then’
jsm - jak se mas ‘how are you’
jszbz - ja se z tebe zblaznim ‘you’re going to drive me mad’
kkt - kokot ‘prick’
kua - kurva ‘whore (as a swear word)’
mkc - musim koncit, cau ‘have to go, bye’
mmt, mmnt - moment ‘wait a moment’
msf - mej se fajn ‘enjoy’
mt - miluji te ‘I love you’
mtm - moc te miluju ‘I love you very much’
mtr - mam te rad ‘I love you’
nj - no jo ‘ok then’
nn, ee - ne ne ‘no, no’
nvm - nevim ‘I don’t know’
nz - neni zac ‘you’re welcome’
o5 - opet ‘again’
o5z5 - opet zpet ‘back again’
omnm - odepis mi na mobile ‘write me back on my mobile’
phd - pohoda ‘everything ok’
ptze, pze, ptz - protoze ‘because’
sem - jsem ‘I am’
si - jsi ‘you are’
srsm - seres me ‘you’re a pain’
szm - jsem zamilovany ‘I’m in love’
tj - to jo ‘that’s right’
tvl, twe - ty vole ‘mate, dude’
vpho - v pohode ‘that’s ok’
z5 - zpet ‘back’
zaves - zadny velky srani ‘no big deal’
zz - zatim zdar ‘bye for now’
+u - jia you ‘come on’
555 - wuwuwu ‘whimper’
88 - baibai ‘bye bye’
b4 - bishi ‘despise’ or ‘before’
bb - baobei ‘darling’ or ‘baby’
bc - baichi ‘idiot’
bs - bishi ‘despise’
cm - choumei ‘show off’
dd - didi ‘brother’
ddd - dingdingding ‘agree’
dx - daxia ‘expert’
gg - gege ‘brother’
jj - jiejie ‘sister’
kl - konglong ‘dinosaur (ugly woman)’
mm - meimei ‘sister’
mpj - mapijing ‘flatterer’
plmm - piaoliang meimei ‘pretty girl’
ck - ‘day’
mpnz - ‘love’
Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used in texting, instant messaging, email, blogs, newsgroup postings and social media, these types of abbreviations are also referred to as chat acronyms.
For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on "more info" below!Know of an international text term you don't see here? Send us a suggestion!

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