biopunk movement, open-source transhumanism, techno-progressivism, body modification movement, nootropicA person who applies the hacker ethic to improve their own bodies with do-it-yourself cybernetic devices for recording biometric data (RFID) and/or introducing chemicals into the body (via nootropics, non-toxic substances) to enhance or change their bodies' functionality.
Historical perspective: "Grinder" is a term adapted from a dystopian comic book. The grinder movement began in 1998, when British professor Kevin Warwick implanted a radio-frequency identification device, or RFID, into his arm so he could turn on campus lights by snapping his fingers. In the past few years, thousands of people in Sweden had RFIDs the size of a grain of rice implanted in their hands. Costing about $180, the devices can replace keys, passwords, and e-tickets. Biohacking entrepreneurs are designing RFIDs that will monitor blood pressure, heart rate, glucose levels, and other vitals. One downside for grinders: You can’t upgrade a device without cutting out the old one.
NetLingo Classification: Online Jargon

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