General Data Protection RegulationA law governing data privacy that changes the rules for companies that collect, store, or process large amounts of information on residents of the European Union (EU). Specifically, EU residents can now object to ways companies use their data or demand that their data be erased.
Historical perspective: This sweeping law went into effect May 25, 2018. Many people wondered why their inbox was getting flooded with updated privacy policies. It's because companies that fail to comply are susceptible to a fine of up to 4% of
their global revenue (or 20 million euros, whichever is higher). The law
applies to any organization that collect or stores the data of European
citizens and is setting a new global standard for data protection.
If you live in the European Union, there’s a website that lists dozens of tech companies and tells you how you can contact them. The website also links to the privacy policy of each service and tells you what to do even if you don’t live in the EU.
NetLingo Classification: Acronyms and Text Message

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