domain name

The address or URL of a particular Web site, it is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet. For example: is the domain name for the numeric IP address "" There is an organization called InterNIC that registers domain names for a fee, to keep people from registering the same name. To register a domain name, you can contact a company (such as Network Solutions, Inc.) or you can ask your ISP or hosting company to register names for you.
There are many domain name suffixes, including:
- .com
- .net
- .org
- .edu
- .gov
- .mil
- .ac
- .arts
- .biz
- .firm
- .info
- .name
- .pro
- .rec
- .store
- .web
- .tv
- .aero
- .arpa
- .cat
- .coop
- .museum
- .int
- .jobs
- .mobi
- .travel
- .co
- and the list of country codes
BTW: Did you know the most popular domain-length is 11 characters, and there are more than 500 63-character domains registered, including DIDYOUKNOWTHATYOUCANONLYHAVESIXTY - THREECHARACTERSINADOMAIN - ;-) Internet trivia!

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