a.k.a. "a database manager"
A collection of programs that enable multiple users within a system to store, modify, and extract information from a database. The system maintains the integrity of the data (its availability and organization) and permits only those with access privileges to use it. There are several different types, from small systems that run on PCs to large systems that run on mainframes.
The following systems commonly use DBMSs: computerized library systems, automated teller machines, flight reservation systems, and computerized inventory systems, to name a few. Each DBMS differs, and terms such as "relational," "network," "flat," and "hierarchical" are commonly used to describe the way a DBMS organizes information internally. This internal organization affects how quickly you can extract information. Different database management systems support different query languages, as well (such as the semi-standardized query language called SQL). Sophisticated languages for managing database systems are sometimes called "fourth-generation languages" (4GLs for short).

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