a.k.a. text message spamming"Cramming" refers to text message spamming, specifically when websites or e-newsletters inundate your cell phone with silly information sent via text and then you are later billed for those text messages by your wireless carrier.
Even though online users may have opted-in to receive a "joke of the day" or "celebrity gossip" text messages, you may not have been aware there would be a "service fee" associated with it, also seen as "other fees," "voicemail," "calling plan," or other vague terms. And even if you ignore such a text message, you can still be charged for it.
For example, a New York City man received text messages with random information such as, "Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp." He then got a follow-up text that stated he could end the bothersome messages by texting "STOP." The man didn't reply out of fear he would only get more spam. But nonetheless he later got a suspicious charge on his monthly bill for $9.99 for "ringtone."
Historical perspective: According to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer in early 2012, "No one should be able to put a charge on your cell phone bill unless you have given explicit consent." Schumer is calling on wireless carriers to fix the problem. "Cell phone bills nowadays can be dozens of pages long -- and if you don't pay close attention, buried in your bill somewhere could be a $10 charge you never authorized or mistakenly agreed to by replying to an unsolicited text." Schumer is calling on carriers like Verizon and AT&T to voluntarily prohibit third-party billing if customers do not explicitly say they want such services. It's an onerous process to dispute the charges, and it's one cell phone users shouldn't have to go through, said Schumer. Specifically, Schumer said he wants the Federal Communications Commission to require wireless carriers get affirmative consent from consumers for any third-party charge -- before it winds up at the bottom of a bill.

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