
Another funny take on emoticons, "boobiecons" (like assicons) involve another body part. Known as straight-on smileys (because unlike the traditional smiley, you don't have to tilt your head to see it). Believe it or not, these icons are a form of ASCII art. Here are some examples:
.Y. flat boobies
(.Y.) curvy boobies
( . Y . ) fat boobies
( o Y o ) boobiecons
(.)(.) little boobies
(o)(o) regular boobies
( O )( O ) big boobies
( ' ) ( ' ) perky boobies
( , ) ( , ) droopy boobies
{.} {.} cold boobies
( @ ) ( @ ) hairy boobies
[ _ ] [ _ ] android boobies
( $ )( $ ) silicon boobies
There's also the assicons, they're so silly they're cute.
See also : smileys straight-on smileys
NetLingo Classification: Online Jargon

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