Top 50 Twitter / X Terms
- @reply - An @reply is a Twitter update that begins with @username. It is a way to say something...
- #word - Because Twitter provided no easy way to group tweets or add extra data, the Twitter...
- bieber baiting - The practice of taking the Bieb’s name in vain to drive traffic to your Twitter...
- blogosphere - The shared intellectual space inhabited by bloggers (people who blog). It is actually...
- digital dirt - Unflattering information or opinions that you may have written on blogs or in chat...
- DM - On Twitter, for example, a direct message is a message between only you and the person...
- flash mob - What is a flash mob? It's a large group of people who gather together suddenly in...
- FOMO - As heard at South by Southwest, while social networking it's the state of paying partial...
- hashtag - The name for the hash sign (#) added to a word or phrase that lets Twitter users search...
- hashtag activism - What is hashtag activism? It refers to the use of hashtags for internet activism....
- HT - When seen on Twitter, it usually refers to Hat Tip, which is a way of attributing...
- indigenous content - Another name for user-generated content, it means content that is "created by the...
- influencer - Specific individuals who are active on social media sites and have "influence" over...
- Larry the Bird - The name of the Twitter bird! The company named their bird "Larry" in honor of the...
- lifestreaming - A "stream" is the live flow of digital information. A lifestream or livestream refers...
- microblog - Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates...
- moblog - The practice of blogging using mobile devices, such as a smartphone and a cam.
- news feed - Spelled as two words, it refers to RSS, a technology that allows you to see when...
- online jargon - Online jargon is the specialized language, chat acronyms, text message shorthand,...
- PMHT - Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used in texting, online chat,...
- post - A noun for a message entered into a network such as a newsgroup, discussion group,...
- real-time - Most commonly used to describe a form of technology that allows you to see, hear,...
- retweet - To copy and post another person's Twitter content. When someone retweets you, it is...
- selfie - A self-portrait that you posted online. It is specifically a picture with your face...
- sexting - What is sexting? It's a play on the words sex and texting, "sexting" is when someone...
- short URL - The name for a URL that's been shortened by a Web service so as to allow a user to...
- smartphone - Considered a killer app, a smartphone is a cell phone that's integrated with a data...
- SMFS - An acronym, it is actually text message shorthand used primarily in online marketing...
- SMS - A service that allows text messages to be sent and received via a wireless network...
- social media - Social media can take many different forms, including social networks, blogs, vlogs,...
- social networking - What is social networking? It is an online community of people who are socializing...
- social scoring - The act of rating a person's level of influence based on evaluating one's followers,...
- solomo - An online marketing term used to describe location-based services available on your...
- sweeple - It stands for "sweet Twitter people."
- troll - It originally meant the act of posting a message in a newsgroup or blog) that is obviously...
- twalker - One who "stalks" other users on Twitter in the sense that he or she doesn't post...
- tweckling - Using Twitter to "heckle" a speaker. Most commonly seen at conferences or town halls...
- tweetaholic - What is a tweetaholic? Quite simply a person addicted to tweeting. Read about the...
- tweeting - What is tweeting? A play on words, "tweeting" refers to telling a global community...
- tweepish - Feeling sheepish or regretful about something you tweeted.
- tweeps - Your Twitter followers, as in your peeps (people).
- tweetup - A meetup (organized or impromptu gathering) of people that use Twitter.
- twibe - A group of Twitter users interested in a common topic.
- twinternship - Slang for an internship with a company where your primary job is to make posts on...
- twitt - A newbie (or a bothersome person) using Twitter, now known as X.
- twitterati - Twitter power users, also referred to as "the tweet elite" whose feeds attract thousands...
- twitterature - What is twitterature? It refers to re-writing classic literature in tweets.Historical...
- twitterhea - A condition resulting in tweeting frequent, short bursts of the most minute daily...
- twittermob - A flash mob formed as a result of sharing information on Twitter, now known as X.
- twitterverse - Slang for the Twitter universe (now known as X), it stands for the community of X...