How Does the Outside General Counsel Help Your Business?

Businesses typically lack the means to engage expert in-house counsel, making it difficult for them to understand the complicated legal landscape. However, the best and most affordable way to get assistance with all your legal matters is to hire a company law firm as your outside general counsel

Having informed and skilled outside general counsel may provide you with much-needed clarification on rules and give you confidence when making business choices. 

This post will discuss the idea of an outside general counsel and go over three substantial arguments for why your company should hire one. 

What exactly is Outside General Counsel?

An outside general counsel is a legal specialist who acts as your company's legal counsel without being a full-time employee. They operate on a retainer or a monthly payment schedule. This arrangement has several benefits, such as reduced expenses for sick leave, vacation time, and perks. 

One of the vital responsibilities of an outside general counsel is to give strategic legal guidance. They are not your company's decision-makers, but they are essential to problem-solving, risk assessment, and risk reduction. Consider them the voice of reason who warns you against making actions that might land you in legal trouble.

How Can An Outside General Counsel Benefit Your Company?

An outside general counsel may be a tremendous asset when it comes to acquiring the legal guidance your firm needs. Regarding any legal issues you're encountering, a competent attorney who isn't working for your organization can give a new viewpoint. Compared to an in-house lawyer- they typically have access to tremendous resources. What specific benefits may an outside general counsel provide your company? 

Assist in identifying and managing risks:

An expert lawyer will be able to see possible difficulties before they become expensive ones and help you navigate them. It may be useful when negotiating agreements with third parties, such as contracts. They may also be used as a sounding board for novel concepts or tactics and assist in ensuring your business performs within legal parameters. 

Build ties with legal partners or other businesses:

Secondly, an external general counsel can also play a crucial role in establishing connections with other businesses or legal partners. They are conversant with the ins and outs of the sector and the kinds of outside services that may be obtained, such as research or litigation assistance. Maintaining current with rules and regulations requires knowledge and expertise.

Advice from an expert:

Finally, knowing that you always have a professional on call in case of an unforeseen circumstance is a comfort that comes with having someone on retainer. Expert guidance in your specific consulting industry might potentially save you time, money, and anxiety. When you have access to outside general counsel, you can be confident that your company will be protected legally in any scenario.


Your outside general counsel is an experienced lawyer who understands your company's operations. As a result, when difficulties do develop, they can collaborate with you to reduce risk and address any concerns efficiently. In addition, because they are not employees, they may provide an unbiased opinion on legal concerns about your organization.   

Using outside general counsel can be beneficial for various reasons, even if your business has an internal legal staff. One possible use for outside counsel would be to work with the company's lawyers on a specific issue. Outside general counsel can offer more skills and may be knowledgeable in individual legal areas.

Acquisitions and Mergers:

One of the first things outside counsel usually does in a merger and acquisition agreement is go over the relevant legal documentation. Examining stock purchase agreements, the listing agreement, and any other pertinent paperwork you'll need to deal with a possible merger and acquisition agreement may fall under this category. An expert in the appropriate legal papers and negotiating techniques gets what makes an outside general counsel exceptional.

Creating Non-Competition Agreements, Employment Agreements, and NDAs:

A company lawyer may assist you in creating employment and non-compete agreements for staff members to assist you with corporate governance documentation. These contracts can help define a company's hierarchical structure and stop workers from exploiting your confidential knowledge. These may be rather complicated agreements, so be sure to get the advice of a reputable company law firm to help you create them in a way that will serve you well in the long run.



Working with an outside general counsel may be helpful for many companies. They provide experience and knowledge that may be lacking from an in-house legal staff yet is crucial to a company's success. With the speed at which an outside general counsel can deliver services, businesses may benefit from their expertise on a schedule that works for them. Working with an Outside General Counsel may assist with short-term legal issues and longer-term operations, and the procedure is often straightforward. In today's competitive business environment, hiring an outside general counsel may be a wise finding for any company trying to safeguard its interests and keep ahead of legal difficulties.