Keeping Up With the Future: Is Generative AI for Me?

In today's rapidly evolving landscape of Generative AI, businesses face a stark choice: Adapt or become obsolete. You may have even asked yourself, “Could Generative AI help my business grow? This article will answer that question and explain all the possible ways you can seamlessly integrate Gen AI into your business to enhance content, workflow and keep your customers (clients/students/users) engaged.

But first, is Gen AI for you? Answer these questions to find out.


  1. Does your company need to find leads, make sales and/or acquire new customers or clients?
  2. Does your company need to make more revenue from an existing client base or maintain contact and engagement with your customers/clients/students?
  3. Do you need to generate content for your brand, character product, service or promotional campaign?
  4. Does your company need to automate employee training, and response systems to improve efficiency and reduce customer service costs?
  5. Are you an Author, Game developer, Content Creator, Program Administrator, Educator or Health Practitioner?


If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, then Generative AI is the perfect solution for your business needs. The question now is, how do you adopt Gen AI into your current business?

Let’s face it, AI is not just a technological trend, but a fundamental shift in how companies operate, track information, engage with customers, and create content. Companies that do not adopt AI will soon lose their market edge to those who do, so let’s get into it.

The Growing Generative AI Market

Generative AI is powered by foundation models AKA Large Language Models (LLM’s) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, GPT-4 and DALL-E 2, as well as Google’s Gemini, formerly known as Bard, and Meta’s, Meta AI. And this is just the beginning.

The Generative AI Market was valued at $44 billion in 2023, and projected to soar to $207 billion by 2030. This exponential growth reflects the increasing recognition of AI's capabilities and the widespread adoption of AI-driven solutions across various sectors. 

From the Information to the Experiential Age

There’s no denying that AI is disrupting industries at an unprecedented pace, redefining everything from customer experiences and business operations to personalized marketing campaigns, sophisticated data analytics, and content creation. In the words of Greek philosopher, Heraclitus: "The only constant in life is change.”

Welcome to the experiential age!

Current trends show that businesses that fail to integrate AI will fall behind their more innovative competitors. This transformation will be most evident in content creation, where static content no longer meets the expectations of modern audiences.

Static Content < Dynamic Content

Static content, which once sufficed, is now eclipsed by the demand for dynamic, interactive experiences which are created with Generative AI solutions. Static content, such as traditional books and movies offer a fixed narrative and unchanging information. While this type of content has (or HAD) its place, it falls short in an age where personalization and interactivity are paramount. 

Whether it’s entertainment, education or any other business vertical, today's consumers seek engaging, customizable experiences that adapt to their preferences and interactions. Dynamic content meets this demand by offering tailored, interactive content that evolves based on user input. But again, how does your company begin to adopt these solutions into your product, service or offering?

Introducing the AI Wrapper

Tech companies large and small are innovating ways to harness the power of Large Language Models with AI wrappers; a software layer that surrounds an AI model or Large Language Model (LLM), providing additional functionality, and ease of use. 

AI wrappers act as an interface between the core AI model and the end-user application, making for easy, interactive navigation. Essentially, an AI wrapper makes it easier to deploy, use, and maintain any kind of content, ensuring a more direct, user-friendly and personalized experience.

One such AI wrapper is Hello Computer’s, StoryTime AI which can create and deliver personalized, dynamic and interactive content for ANY brand, franchise or Intellectual property, whether it's a character, a series, a program or any educational subject. Usually this is done through a mobile app.

StoryTime AI creates immersive experiences that engage your end user and does not need the internet to use. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to enhance their content strategy and engage worldwide customers in meaningful ways. 

One of the standout features of StoryTime AI is its ability to read aloud from any mobile device in 137 languages. This functionality delivers engaging audio content, even in the dialect of the language’s region.

Users can interact with stories, characters, and educational materials in a way that is both immersive, dynamic and personalized. This level of interaction transforms passive consumption into an engaging experience, making StoryTime AI a game-changer in a content delivery solution. It could even democratize education across the world, one of Hello Computer’s core missions.

The Future of Content Creation

As businesses navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, the ability to create and deliver dynamic content will be a critical differentiator. StoryTime AI exemplifies how simply AI can transform your content creation, providing interactive, multilingual, and customizable experiences that can reach a diverse, global audience. 

The rise of AI marks a pivotal moment for businesses across the globe. By embracing this technology, companies can not only meet the evolving demands of their customers but also drive innovation, growth and social impact. 

The shift from static to dynamic content is not merely a trend but a necessity in today's experiential age. As the generative AI market continues to expand, those who adopt Generative AI solutions will be well-positioned to thrive in the future of content creation and delivery. As they say, evolve or die.


© Rossana Jeran, 2024. Co-Founder/CEO of Hello Computer, Inc.