10 Tips to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners
Before you give up that dream of being a know-it-all tarot guru, remind yourself that everyone starts somewhere. Nobody is born a spiritual expert! However, with some practice, you’ll learn the world of tarot sooner than you know. Make sure to take one step after the other to make the progress closer.
#1 Work with the Deck You Like
The key is to feel a solid connection with the cards. Some tarot fans tend to believe that if you buy the deck, you won’t be able to read it. Wrong! Check out the decks available today to pick what speaks to you. If possible, create your own deck to have a unique set of cards ‘working’ for you exclusively.
#2 Know the Basics
…from A to Z. To be able to perform reading sessions (for yourself or other querents), you need to know the basic elements the tarot deck comprises. A conventional deck includes 78 cards. The latter, in turn, are divided into 22 cards of the Major Arcana and 56 cards of the Minor Arcana. As for the Minor Arcana, it also comprises four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Your task is to know all the general themes these categories have.
#3 Learn the Meanings of the Tarot Cards
There’s no need to memorize rigid definitions! Instead, you have to study all tarot card meanings in detail. As a rule, every card from the deck has a conventional interpretation.
However, its meaning(s) can change depending on the question you have asked and the cards that surround it. We strongly recommend using guidebooks during your first reading sessions (even if it’s personal reading) to get a better (and clearer) understanding of the essence of each card.
#4 Perform the Tarot Reading for Yourself First
…before you do it for anyone else. After all, how can you help someone else when you can’t help yourself? The best way to polish up your tarot skills is to read for yourself on a regular basis. Consult all existing materials, like journals, books, manuals, or anything else, in both online and printed versions. If, at some point, you decide to work with querents, make sure you do it when you can deal with cards without having to check the meaning with the manual. It’s not about appearing a tarot guru - you have to actually know the business.
#5 Simple Spreads Come First
It is crucial to start your reading journey with basic spreads. It can be a quick one-card draw or a 3-card spread (today, tomorrow, yesterday). These layouts are easy to deal with and interpret. Plus, when you are focused on interpreting the messages of just a few cards, you can learn cards in a more effective manner and build your confidence faster.
#6 Get a Journal and Record Your Spreads
To keep track of your reading sessions, use a journal. Even if you draw just one card – put it down into your journey together with all the interpretations and reflections on this quick spread. Plus, it’s recommended to get back to your records. Why? Well, it’s similar to being a college student doing the class notes. When you re-read them, you refresh your knowledge, boost your skills, and even spot the mistakes you haven’t noticed before. In the case of tarot cards, re-reading your notes will help you fine-tune your intuition and get better at your interpretations.
#7 Let Your Intuition Fly
The truth is that reading tarot cards is not about checking books and manuals. It’s also about letting your intuition do some job, too. As you deal with the cards, pay attention to (and focus for a while on!) the colors, imagery, symbols, and all the other elements that you can see on this or that card. When you try to do the interpretation of the cards, you have to trust your instincts and listen to your intuition to see where it takes you.
#8 Formulate Only Clear Questions
For a successful reading session, always come up with specific and open-ended questions. It’s no wonder that you, as a tarot beginner, would like to approach cards with yes-or-no questions. However, we recommend you use tarot cards for guidance or insights. For example, questions like “What should I focus on to improve my college progress?” are much more welcome than “Will I enroll in X college?” It allows deeper and more meaningful exploration.
#9 Keep Things Simple
It is better to pick simple visuals when you are at the very beginning of your tarot reading path. You’re just learning the art of tarot reading, so get a deck that is based on visual storytelling ‘ingredients.’ Thus, you will make your reading session easier with all the images laid out in a simple way in front of you. The result? You won’t have to spend a lifetime trying to understand what the card is trying to tell you or the image that is on it.
#10 Take Care of Your Tarot Deck
Show respect and take care of your cards after every reading session. It’s an essential part of the process. For example, you shouldn’t leave your deck where it can get lost or dirty. Instead, find a fancy box or an envelope where the tarot cards will be kept sacredly. In order to cleanse or charge your cards, you are welcome to use an amethyst (just put it on the top of the deck). The stone will combat all the negative energies.
As a matter of fact, reading tarot cards is both an ancient and enriching ritual. It’s a sacred practice with only two of you in the middle of the spiritual journey – you and the cards speaking to you. The whole process has three elements as the cornerstones of success. They are your intuition, knowledge, and self-reflection. We hope the ten tips for beginners given above will help you understand the art of tarot, learn how cards actually work, and actually enjoy the process.