NetLingo: The Dictionary
NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary
A modern reference book with thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication used by millions of people at work, at school and in cyberspace. It is written by a woman "using layman's language so easy-to-understand, it's as if you're describing it to your mother." The first book review proclaimed "it is a linguistic treasure you'll want to read from cover to cover."
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- Great gift for someone who is new to the online world ;-)
- Contains more than 3000 cross-linked terms and definitions, including:
- 250 Internet Jargon terms Everyone Needs To Know
- 550 Online Business terms and phrases
- 500 Cyberslang expressions
- Hundreds of necessary Technical & Computing terms
- Hundreds of terms with info about Netcentric Companies, Organizations, and People
- More than 500 "advanced terms" about Software, Hardware, Networking, Programming, Technologies, and Standards
- More than 100 entries refer back to for updated information available only online
- In-depth explanations on e-mail, cookies, ISPs, and tips on viruses and writing office e-mail
- Contains an Index that sorts the terms into 10 Popular Categories
- Contains an Appendix with 6 special sections, including:
- More than 1200 chat acronyms
- More than 300 smileys, ASCII art, and straight-on smiley examples
- A list of International Country Code Domains and File Extensions
- A special "Getting Up to Speed" section for newbies
- Published in 2002 by NetLingo
- You can view a large portion of the book via the Google Book Search Index