NetLingo In The News
Web and Educational Contributions was ranked #676 among the elite Google Top 1000 Web Sites. Wow, next to selling more than 7000 books at Barnes and Noble, and appearing on the major TV news shows, this is a top accomplishment! NetLingo is also used as a reference in Google Answers.
NetLingo ranked #676 in Google Top 1000 Web Sites
Google Answers "NetLingo" (PDF) rates the Best Dictionary sites as sorted by popularity. NetLingo is ranked #40 of the Top 100 Dictionary Web Sites.
Top 100 ranks "NetLingo #40 in Top 100 Dictionary Web Sites" (PDF)
The NetLingo Webcast "Internet Word of the Day" by Erin Jansen was featured on You Tube in the News and Politics category. featured the NetLingo "Internet Word of the Day" Video (PDF)
The NetLingo Webcast "Internet Word of the Day" by Erin Jansen was featured on the popular blog Technorati.
Technorati features "Internet Word of the Day" Video (PDF)
UPI reports there is a whole new language due to text messaging and the way teens communicate with today's technology, there are new words related to sex and sexual activity that parents need to know so they can understand their teens and their friends. They recommend parents learn teen sex lingo at
UPI United Press International "Media Pressures Teens to have Sex" (PDF)
Erin Jansen attended the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco and was interviewed LIVE via Webcast.
Web 2.0 Expo "Erin was interviewed on the Convention Floor" (PDF)
NetLingo has been featured in many blogs, notably WebWorker Daily in a post called "How to Annoy People with IM."
Web Worker Daily "How to Annoy People with IM" (PDF)
TThe NetLingo Webcast "Internet Word of the Day" by Erin Jansen was featured on on the homepage. featured the NetLingo "Internet Word of the Day" Video (PDF)
The NetLingo Webcast "Internet Word of the Day" by Erin Jansen was featured on in the Most Watched section. featured the NetLingo "Internet Word of the Day" Video (PDF)
NetLingo was iReviewed by Apple and here's what they had to say: "NetLingo, an online dictionary of the tech vernacular, is achieving the extraordinary feat of keeping up with the rapidly mutating vocabulary of the Internet. Unless you've been in a Cistercian monastery for the past five years, words like e-tailer and spam have probably become all too familiar. Other terms, such as Boolean logic, which lets search engine users refine their searches, or emoticons, the punctuation graffiti littering chat rooms and e-mail, may still be foreign. NetLingo provides simple definitions for these terms, typically in language even a technophobe can understand. Chat rooms and e-mail have also spawned their own shorthand language, a particularly noxious method of communicating heretofore mostly limited to the armed services. In addition to defining the ubiquitous and generally misplaced LOL (for "laugh out loud"), NetLingo explains that BRB and TTYL mean "be right back" and "talk to you later." Follow the "Chat Acronyms & Shorthand" link to find these and other more colorful examples of the shorthand whizzing across chat screens. Most e-mail users have at some time received a forwarded message filled with X's and O's which, when scrolled through rapidly, reveal a pattern or image. NetLingo's ASCII Art page links to a number of elaborate examples of this art form. The site also provides an incongruous yet nonetheless useful tool for anyone interested in creating an attractive Web site. The Web Design Coloring Book lets you choose from a palette of background and foreground colors to see what the combinations look like on the screen. Once you find an appealing combination, simply cut and paste the supplied hexadecimal codes into the HTML of your Web page."

NetLingo was referenced in Wikipedia's definition of "Internet Slang" (among others). It begins by explaining exactly what NetLingo defines: Internet slang is jargon that Internet users have coined and promulgated. Such terms typically originated with the purpose of saving keystrokes, and many people use the same abbreviations in text messages and instant messaging. The terms often appear in lower case, with capitals reserved for emphasis. People also use "u" to mean "you", and "r" to mean "are"...etc.
NetLingo in Wikipedia's definition of "Internet Slang" (PDF)
An MSN Encarta columnist investigated the effect of instant messaging shorthand and featured NetLingo in a special story called "Does IM Make U Dum?"
MSN Encarta "Does IM Make U Dum?" (PDF)
NetLingo was featured as a prominent link on the Microsoft Learning Web site in a section called "Resources to Decode Technical Jargon."
Microsoft "Resources to Decode Technical Jargon" (PDF)
The leading Web resource for journalists Poynter Online reviewed NetLingo in an article called "The Online Language of Teens."
Poynter Online "The Online Language of Teens" (PDF)
NetLingo is referenced in an Adotas - Where Interactive Advertising Begins, in an article called "Self-Serve Ad Exchange: This Century's Strowger Switch?"
Adotas "Self-Serve Ad Exchange: This Century's Strowger Switch?" (PDF)
NetLingo is "Best of the Web" says CNET. . ."for way cool stuff that will earn you the respect of even the most pedantic propeller head, look to NetLingo."

NetLingo was recognized as "Best in Category" in the Computing Tech Reference & Net Culture directory sections on

Rediff Guide to the Net featured NetLingo in a cover article entitled "How To Spice Up Your Online Communication with Text Shorthand."
Rediff Guide "How To Spice Up Your Online Communication with Text Shorthand" (PDF) featured NetLingo in a special report called "Caught In the Net." "Caught In the Net" (PDF)
North featured NetLingo in a cover story helping parents understand the new online language, called "You won't be LOL when someone TDTMs your kid."
North "You won't be LOL when someone TDTMs your kid" (PDF)
NetLingo was featured on a guide to thousands of the best U.S. and international news resources on the Web. -- News for the X generation featured NetLingo in their cover story "Technology Continues to Impact How We Talk to Our Teens." "Technology Continues to Impact How We Talk to Our Teens" (PDF)
Erin Jansen was quoted in an article about NetLingo in about how language is always changing but online it arguably changes at a more rapid pace.
WebProNews "The Web's The Word, But Webster Won't Like It" (PDF)
Today's teens are quick and nimble with their fingers, which they use with great dexterity for communicating. They also have their own abbreviated texting code, such as cu2moro (See you tomorrow) and PIR (Parents in room). To find the answer and more text-messaging codes, go to!
Inside Bay "Kid Tips: Teens Text-Messaging Too Much" (PDF)
If you want to learn some of this tech-speak, or just need to decipher what your children and grandchildren are saying, logon to: IAWNW (It's a whole new world.) But be warned. A good share of it is X-rated.
Tampa Bay Online "Read AYOR (At Your Own Risk)" (PDF)
Webspeak - also known as IM language, chat slang and NetLingo - is that tech-induced shorthand in which people write things such as GR8 for "great" and BRB for "be right back." "Don't Blame Texting Teens for Writing Woes" (PDF)
The Web site Net Lingo caters to the cyber community for the purpose of rapid communication and cyberculture. As a professor, I see no serious problems with Netlage, as long as we continue to treasure, and practice, our writing forms and expressions.
Oh My News of South Korea "'Netlage': A New Way to Communicate" (PDF) (owners of Webopedia) hail NetLingo!
"Confused by all the new Web vocab that people are slinging around? Have no fear, NetLingo is here...NetLingo is a breeze to navigate, and with an ever-growing database and additional content on the way, this site can only get better."

NetLingo was a WITI "Link of the Week."
Women in Technology International think NetLingo excels in all areas of Web site satisfaction.

SIMCOE.COM is an online publication serving the communities of Barrie, Alliston, Collingwood/Wasaga Beach, Midland, Stayner and Orillia in central Ontario, Canada. NetLingo was featured as the site for parents to learn online lingo at a conference presented by the Youth Issues Unit, Crime Prevention Section. The conference was videotaped and can be viewed here!
Simcoe of Ontario, Canada "Keep Kids Safe When Surfing" (PDF)
UK Online - "Before you get too far into the Net, you'd better learn some of the jargon. It's a constantly changing language, with new terms and acronyms added practically every day as technology changes and new concepts emerge. NetLingo is an online dictionary that covers just about every Net-related terms you'll ever come across."

Webcrawler Select featured NetLingo as one of the best Internet Reference sites.
(OK, back in 1996, this was a HUGE deal ;-)
Netlingo was featured as the Web site of the week on - they warned we might experience an increase in traffic, we sure did!

Bradley News Weekly highlighted NetLingo as a helpful resource in a story called "New Language Leaves Us 404 - GL Trying to Break the Code!"
Bradley News "New Language Leaves Us 404 - GL Trying to Break the Code (PDF)
NetLingo was mentioned in, a site featuring daily news and information on life, family and culture. They were evaluating various translations of the acronym WTF :-?
"What the Huh? Mac's Convenience Stores Run Offensive Ads" (PDF)
Our fellow netizens give us glowing reviews on Illumirate.
Check it out! "They only deal with the terminology which is on the net. It seems that they are updating their site pretty fast since even the new terms are there. Very good resource for beginners!" "This is a really interesting site, if a bit slow. Very funny, has all the newfangled terminology floating around the web these days. Definately a must see for the net newbies!" "This site has a very simple text bar on the left side which has a link to every definition in alphabetical order. This makes it a snap to find whatever is being searched for. Site is also very quick when loading." "What a great service to the cyber community I finally found out what cookies are." "Very good site for Internet newbies. They can find explanations on all sorts of Internet Lingo. I highly recommend this site!"

The esteemed John December has listed NetLingo as an "excellent link in my list of information sources about the Internet and computer-mediated communication" since 1994.

RedNova featured NetLingo in a story called "Site Makes Sense of Latest Jargon."
RedNova "Site Makes Sense of Latest Jargon" (PDF)
Accredited Degrees featured NetLingo in a cover story called "50 Niche Search Engines That Will Make Your Everyday Life Easier!"
Accredited Degrees "50 Niche Search Engines That Will Make Your Everyday Life Easier" (PDF)
Campus Technology featured NetLingo in a cover story called "Do We Have to Talk the Talk?"
Campus Technology "Do We Have to Talk the Talk" (PDF)
Geeks On Call feature NetLingo in their series of real life presentations called "Parents' Guide to Internet Safety."
Geeks On Call Host "Child Internet Safety Event" (PDF)

NetLingo received a rave review from You Are Here Publishing.
They said: "We have all been in situations when we are online and we don't know what the Internet word or emoticon symbol means. Net Lingo comes to the rescue with definitions for computer words. If you need to find out what a chat acronym means or you come across a random Internet word, you will find it here. Recommended for Ages 7+."

Indiana University informs it's students to use NetLingo to understand how the lingo is changing: "There is a whole new language due to text messaging and the way teens communicate with today's technology."
Indiana University "Health and Wellness: Teens and Sex" (PDF)
NetLingo was listed in a business communications course with the University of Maryland.

NetLingo was reproduced in part in several college text books including those published by Harcourt College Publishers.

Income, brought to you by Michael Dunlop, decided that "in recognition of the great numbers of female entrepreneurs out there and in particular those who are active online I have decided not to rank the 30 women listed below by wealth alone but simply as my list of the “30 Top Female Internet Entrepreneurs”. Enjoy!
Income "Erin Jansen is one of Top 30 Female Internet Entrepreneurs" (PDF)

NetLingo was the authoritative reference in the Sunday Standard article "Be Careful Abbreviating when Texting." Here's an excerpt, "Kate Washburn didn't know what to make of the email a friend sent to her office with the abbreviation "NSFW" written at the bottom. Then she clicked through the attached sideshow, titled "Awkward Family Photos." It included shots of a family in furry "nude" suits and of another family alongside a male walrus in a revealing pose. After looking up NSFW on - a Web site that provides definitions of Internet and texting terms, she discovered what it stood for: "Not safe for work."
Sunday Standard "Be Careful Abbreviating when Texting" (PDF)

NetLingo was reproduced in part in several educational guides including "The Addison Annual Report Beginner's Guide."

The seventh graders at Whitehorse Middle School in Madison, WI are using terms from NetLingo to better understand the Internet. Great work gang!

NetLingo was chosen by StudyWeb as one of "The Best Educational Resources on the Web" by their researchers. StudyWeb is a comprehensive Web site with educational resources for students and teachers.

NetLingo was chosen as a "Selection for the KIDS Report," a bi-weekly collection of useful Internet sites selected, evaluated, and annotated by K-12 students for other K-12 students.

Erin Jansen gave the University of Washington's Information School (iSchool) 500 copies of the book "NetLingo The Internet Dictionary." Erin donated the books to help foster education about the language used in the online world ;-)

The Wired Campus reports that despite the worries of their parents and professors, teenagers' use of language online is surprisingly sophisticated.
The Wired Campus "OMG, Teens' Online Chatting Is Linguistically Sophisticated" (PDF)
The Center for Missing and Exploited Children teamed up with Qwest and NetLingo to produce an Online Classroom lesson using NetLingo terms for an online glossary.
Center for Missing and Exploited Children "Internet Glossary" (PDF)
Disney's Family Parenting site called ParentPedia featured NetLingo in a series of articles called "Decoding Teen Lingo."
Disney Family Parenting "Decoding Teen Lingo" (PDF) featured NetLingo saying "Parents are being urged to pay more attention to their children's use of cyberspace as part of Internet Safety Day."
Ozarks First "Today is Internet Safety Day" (PDF)

HTLounge of New York City reported on NetLingo in a story called "Cultural Differences Regarding e-Smileys." They said "If you hop on over to NetLingo, you'll find quite the range of Japanese smileys!"
HTLounge "Cultural Differences Regarding e-Smileys" (PDF)

PR Web and White House Drug Czar alerts parents to threat of online exposure and calls for stronger monitoring. The release said "the better parents understand netlingo, the better you understand teens' online habits."
PRWeb "Popular Youth Web Sites Expose Teens, Tweens to Violent Images" (PDF)

NetLingo has been mentioned in the book "Mobile Internet for Dummies" published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The book covers everything people want to know, but are afraid to ask.
NetLingo is included in the book "Mobile Internet for Dummies" (PDF)

Dial-a-Phone in the U.K. featured NetLingo in an article about how officials at the North Carolina DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) have been forced to recall over 10,000 vehicle license plates after they were found to contain offensive text message lingo.
Dial-a-Phone "WTF - 10,000 License Plates Recalled in SMS Speak Furor" (PDF)

Killer Start-Ups reviewed NetLingo and said a ton of awesome stuff, including if you're having trouble with technology language, use! "These definitions evolve and change together with technology so you will always get an up-to-date definition about the word you look for."
Killer Start-Ups "NetLingo is a Very Good Source" (PDF)

NetLingo is referenced in the U.K. SchoolZone Web Guide! They said "NetLingo is an online dictionary about the Internet and computers. You type a word and are presented with a list of words that make up your search results. Clicking one of these takes you to a meaning. This sounds great, but how do you know which word to click in the search results? You can navigate using an alphabetical index. We find it very useful."

NetLingo is on display in this cute article that includes 20+ favorite TXT MSG terms ;-) The Online Philippines says "Its a cyberspace and teenage lingo, and they called it Netlingo – a texting abbreviations that commonly used in chat room, and social media networks."
Online Philipines "Netlingo Texting Abbreviations" (PDF)

NetLingo was featured on Yahoo! Buzz ;-) You know that main area on the Yahoo! page where a lot of people get their news? Right there! It linked to the Wall Street Journal article called "Quick! Tell Us What KUTGW Means!"
Yahoo! Buzz: "Quick! Tell Us What KUTGW Means!" (PDF)

NetLingo "Word of the Day" definitions are often featured in tech blogs including the mighty bMighty. They got a kick out of it ;-) and said "According to NetLingo, sneakernet has also been known as tennisnet, floppynet, shoenet, and walknet. Who knew? "Resurrected: 7 Technologies That Won't Stay Dead - Sneakernet" (PDF)

NetLingo was featured on MSN India in a story called "Parent Trap: Decoding Teen's Secret Sex-Messages" with quotes by NetLingo founder Erin Jansen. It said " has a long list of commonly used text terms, which is useful. That's the one parents should be looking at. If parents don't know those, it doesn't mean they're old -- it just means they're not tuned into Internet culture."
MSN India "Parent Trap: Decoding Teen's Secret Sex-Messages" (PDF)

Erin Jansen, Founder of, is recognized on "Top 25 Women in Tech to Watch" List at the AlwaysOn Venture Summit in Silicon Valley. Selection for the List, was based on the following criteria: Overall innovation, ability to identify new market opportunities, commercialization of new products and services, creation of stakeholder value, and media buzz and awareness in the Tech community. Read more about the Summit and the other women below!
AlwaysOn Venture Summit Silicon Valley "Erin Jansen recognized Top 25 Women in Tech to Watch" (PDF)

NetLingo is featured in a fun article called "Cell Phones: Text Messaging as a Second Language" in Literacy News.
Literacy News "Cell Phones: Text Messaging as a Second Language" (PDF)