- 1958 - Dwight D. Eisenhower forms ARPA
- 1961-1964 - JCR Licklider, Leonard Kleinrock, and Lawrence Roberts of MIT design a network that will let different sorts of computers speak with one another wherever they are; turns out they had just invented the Internet.
- 1964 - Intel's Gordon Moore coins Moore's Law
- 1964 - Paul Baran's Rand Corporation paper about the bomb-worthiness of distributed networks begets the legend that the Net was created to survive nuclear war, it wasn't; the idea for the Net already existed.
- 1969 - Bolt Beranek & Newman builds the first Net backbone and AT&T provides the wires, linking UCLA, the Stanford Research Institute, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.
- 1971 - First e-mail sent
- 1971 - Tech journalist Don Hoefler coins teh term "Silicon Valley"
- 1979 - Kevin MacKenzie of MsgGroup, the first ARPAnet mailing list, introduces the emoticon :-)
- 1981 - The Xerox Star 8010 is the first computer with a mouse and graphical user interface, it cost $16,000.
- 1982 - Intel introduces the 286 chip, within 6 years, 15 million computers use the chip.
- 1983 - First colleges assign e-mail accounts to their students
- 1984 - William Gibson's Neuromancer introduces the term "cyberspace"
- 1985 - First customer logs on to AOL
- 1988 - First self-replicating bug shuts down the Internet
- 1989 - Tim Berners-Lee of CERN in Geneva invents HTML and names his networking project the World Wide Web
- 1990 - In Brookline, MA the first ISP "The World" hits the scene
- 1993 - Marc Andreessen creates the Mosaic browser
- 1993 - Wired magazine is launched
- 1994 - Netscape Navigator 1.0 was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic
- 1994 - An Arizona law firm sends the first spam message
- 1994 - First book sold on Amazon.com
- 1995 - Earthlink offers first "all you can get" Internet service for $19.95 per month.
- 1995 - Netscape's huge IPO (the third largest in Nasdaq history)
- 1995 - First search on Yahoo!
- 1995 - First auction held on eBay
- 1996 - First 24/7 Web cam (Jennicam) debuts
- 1997 - The Heaven's Gate cult commits mass suicide, their website boosts the Net's popularity with alienated teens
- 1998 - Napster created by Boston College student Sean Fanning
- 1998 - eBay goes public, the stock soars 164% on its first day of trading
- 1998 - Apple Inc. with Steve Jobs back at the helm, debuts the iMac (without a floppy drive), it defines the future of PCs and the Web and spurs teh sales of stand-alone disk drives
- 1999 - First online university opens in cyberspace
- 1999 - Approximately 1,5 million viewers log on to Victoria's Secret webcast fashion show
- 2000 - First online vote cast
- 2000 - AOL buys Time Warner for $165 billion