Category: Online Jargon
- A crapella
- a New York minute
- abbreviation
- acqhire
- acronym
- adminisphere
- adulting
- aftcasting
- age
- air
- airplane mode
- al capone
- all your base are belong to us
- allow
- almost online
- alpha
- alpha geek
- alt or alt.
- alt-right
- alt-tab
- Alta-visitors
- Altoids
- Amazon-ized
- Amazonned
- ambient noise
- america offline
- america onhold
- anacronym
- angry garden salad
- animation
- anime
- animersive
- Ann Curry-ed
- Anonymous
- ant farm
- anti-social networking
- anticipointment
- anus envy
- any key
- apollo syndrome
- app
- arc word
- architecture police
- arrow shooters
- article
- ASCII bashing
- askhole
- asset-backward
- assicons
- assmosis
- astroturf
- astroturf campaign
- asynchronous
- at sign or @
- attachment parent
- attic
- audio
- audiocast
- authortisement
- awesome sauce
- AYB content
- back button
- back forty
- back-hack
- backgrounding
- backronym
- badassery
- baeless
- Bailey the Switcher
- bake
- balkanized
- bambi
- banana problem
- bandwidth hog
- bandwidth hugger
- bang
- bang the GUI
- Bangalored
- banksying
- barbie bird
- bare
- barfogenesis
- barney deal
- Barney page
- barneyware
- basement area network
- basic
- batmobiling
- battle faxes
- baud barf
- bazaar-style development
- bear paw
- beef
- beehive
- beepilepsy
- beer me
- begathon
- behind-the-screens
- belfie
- bellhead
- benching
- Berlin firewall
- beta baby
- betamaxed
- bieber baiting
- big banging
- big box store
- big brother
- big five
- big iron
- big room
- bikeshedding
- bimp
- binary star configuration
- binge watching
- bio-ink
- biobreak
- biohacking
- biots
- bipolar belief system
- bird boxed
- bit bucket
- bit flip
- bit-spit
- bitloss
- bitnik
- bitraking
- bitslag
- bitstream
- black hole
- BlackBerry neck
- BlackBerry prayer
- BlackBuried
- blackholing
- blacking out
- blamestorming
- blargon
- blatherer
- bleeding edge
- blended networking
- blendo
- bloatware
- block
- blogger
- blogosphere
- blogroll
- bloodware
- blow a buffer
- Blue Chip
- boat anchor
- bob's your uncle
- body nazis
- bogus
- boil the ocean
- bolt-on acquisition
- bonk
- boobiecons
- bookmark
- boomerang child
- boost
- boot
- booth bunny
- boots
- booya
- bop
- bottom-lining
- bounce
- box
- bozon
- brain drain
- brain dump
- brain fart
- brain hacking
- brain stain
- brandalism
- brandwidth
- brat
- breadcrumb
- breadcrumbing
- break the Internet
- brogrammer
- broken link or broken graphic
- broken pipe
- bronies
- bropocalypse
- brownout
- browse
- browse box
- browser compatibility
- browser support
- bruh
- bruised rationals
- brute-force attack
- bucket brigade
- buddies
- buggin' out
- bugrade
- bullet clicker
- bunny suit
- busy signaling
- butt dial
- butt-brush factor
- buzzerflies
- buzzword-compliant
- bye Felicia
- byte-bonding
- C-note
- cable
- cached out
- caking
- camel case
- camouflage
- cancel
- cancelbunny
- cancelled
- cancelmoose
- canon
- cappuccino cowboy
- career-limiting move
- career-zoned
- careware
- carpet bomb
- caspering
- catfish
- cell mates
- cellcert
- cellie
- CEOP-phobia
- CGI Joe
- cha-ching
- chainsaw consultants
- chamber art
- charlie
- chat
- chat acronym or chat acronyms
- chat or chatting
- chat room
- chat room bob
- chatfly
- cheapernet
- check my spam
- check-box item
- cheddar
- Chernobyl packet
- chevron
- chick magnet
- chicken head
- chicken-boner
- child tech addiction
- chillaxin
- chiphead
- chips and salsa
- chuh
- chum
- churning
- circling the drain
- circumventor site
- city acronyms
- city nicknames
- clap back
- clean
- cleansed data
- Clearnet
- click
- click on
- click-and-highlight
- click-and-mortar
- click-through farmers
- clickly
- clicks-and-chicks
- clicks-for-chicks
- client-server action
- climate canary
- clink
- cloud
- clue-by-four
- clueful
- clunky
- cluster funk
- co-living
- cobots
- cobweb site
- cock block
- cockroach
- code 18
- codenapping
- CodePie
- codify
- cohabidating
- coin-operated employee
- cold peace
- cold transfer
- collapsible corporations
- command line weenie
- computer illiterate
- computer literate
- computer wiz
- computer-mediated communication
- confirmed
- constanet
- content
- coopetition
- cord
- cornea gumbo
- cosplay
- cougar
- country codes
- country withheld content
- courseware
- crack
- crackable
- CrackBerry
- cracker
- cramming
- crapplet
- crash dummies
- crash test dummies
- creeping featurism
- crimeware
- cringe
- crippleware
- critical mess
- crog
- cross post
- cross-roasting
- crunk
- cryppie
- crypto rage
- cube farm
- cuck
- cuckoo egg
- cuddletech
- cuffing
- cumdex
- curbstoning
- curry
- curve
- cushioning
- cusskiddie
- cut steel
- Cyber Monday
- cyber noir
- cyber sit-in
- cyber sitters
- cyberattack
- cyberbullying
- cybercad
- cybercafe
- cyberchondria
- cyberchondriacs
- cybercide
- cybercop
- cyberimmortality
- cyberluddites
- cybernoir
- cyberpork
- cyberpunk
- cybersafety
- cybersex
- cybersexism
- cyberslacker
- cyberslang
- cybersoul
- cyberspace
- cybersquatting
- cyberstalking
- cybersuicide
- cyberterrorism
- cybertourist
- cyberwar
- cyborg
- Cybrarian
- cyburban myths
- cycles
- cytizenship
- dag-tag
- dancing baloney
- dark fiber
- darties
- das blinkenlights
- data cholesterol
- data dump
- data shadow
- data snacking
- data storm
- data Valdez
- datasphere
- dateview
- dawn patrol
- dead
- dead technology
- dead tree edition
- dead-tree version
- debbie
- deboning
- declutterist
- decruitment
- deep linking
- deface
- default password
- defrag
- defragging the office
- degen
- deja moo
- delisting
- delurking
- demon customer
- demoscene
- demoware
- denizen
- designosaurs
- DF module
- dial group
- digital asset
- Digital Attention Disorder
- digital dementia
- digital detox
- digital dirt
- digital divide
- digital doppelganger
- digital footprint
- digital ghetto
- digital jewelry
- digital kudzu
- digital native
- digital strip search
- digitally grounded
- digiterati
- digitizer
- dilberted
- dime
- dirty connection
- disconnect anxiety
- discussion board
- discussion group
- disinformation
- disk dancers
- dittoheads
- do not track
- do-it-yourself biology
- docubug
- dog bones
- dog food
- dog-collar labor
- dogcow
- doggo
- dolphin parent
- domain dropping
- domaineering
- domainism
- don't-care-ware
- done
- dooce
- doomscrolling
- Doomsday Clock
- doorway scam
- dope
- Dorito Syndrome
- dot address
- dot's all folks
- dot-bomb
- dot-calm
- dot-commers
- dot-commie
- dot-commuter
- dot-comrade
- dot-orging
- double geeking
- double text
- down
- downgrade
- dox
- draculaing
- drink the Kool-Aid
- drive-by VC
- drug dump
- drump
- drunk mouse
- dry snitching
- dual-channeller
- dub-dub-dub
- dubya
- duh
- dustbuster
- dweeb
- dynamic content
- e-anything
- e-begging
- e-bomb
- e-card
- e-collar workers
- e-dress
- e-journal
- e-learning
- e-lottery
- e-mail shorthand
- e-mall
- e-publishing
- e-purse
- e-reading
- e-text
- e-zine
- E2E
- ear candy
- ear hustling
- Earth's population e-mail
- easter egg
- echo chamber
- ecruiting
- edgy
- edtech
- ego-surfing
- ejectrode
- electronic library
- electronic mall/storefront
- electronic publishing
- electronically-mediated communication
- elephant parent
- elite
- Elvis year
- emo
- emoji
- emotags
- emoticons
- emotional Web
- encrypted English
- Engrish
- entrenched transactors
- ephemeral data
- eternal hold
- eurominutes
- event horizon
- everflux
- evidence divide
- evite
- exaggerdate
- express messaging
- extra
- Extremely Online
- extremophile
- eye candy
- F-you money
- facebooking
- faceprint
- fake
- fake fan
- fake news
- false drop
- fam
- fast tracking
- fat finger
- fat pipe
- fatware
- faux beau
- favicon
- fawning
- fawning -test
- feels
- felfie
- femtech
- Film at 11
- filter bubble
- fine business
- fingerprint
- finna
- fire off
- firedooring
- firefighters
- first eyes
- fisk
- five-and-dime
- fix it in post
- flame
- flame bait
- flame war
- flash crowd
- flash crowds
- flash mob
- flex
- flies
- flight risk
- flog
- floodgaters
- flowie
- fluttering
- flypaper meeting
- folksonomy
- foo/foobar
- force quit
- forelash
- forest
- forestware
- form art
- fortune cookie
- fram
- fram virus
- frankenedit
- frape
- frazzing
- free-range parent
- freecycling
- freeware
- frendor
- frenvy
- fresh fish
- Friday night pizza maker
- friend
- full-on honkey handshake
- functionality
- funemployment
- furverts
- fusion
- future-proof
- g-word
- G.O.O.D. job
- gadget fatigue
- gamer
- gamer tag
- gang FAQ
- garbage time
- gaslighting
- gassed
- gatekeeping
- Gatesed
- gatored
- Gatsbying
- gearhead
- geek
- geek-gasm
- geek-speak
- geeked
- geeking out
- geekosphere
- geeksploitation
- geektavist
- gen m
- gender
- generic
- generica
- genius killer
- geocaching
- ghost site
- ghosting
- gingerbread house
- Giuliani-esque
- gizmo
- gladvertising
- glambassador
- glass
- glasserati
- glazing
- glow up
- glueware
- go off
- goals AF
- God-forbid room
- going Cyrillic
- going down in the DMs
- going postal
- Golden Rolodex
- gonk
- good thing
- Google blips
- Google bombing
- Google juicing
- Google narcissist
- Googleganger
- Googlewhacking
- Googling
- googol
- gopherhead
- gopherspace
- gotta dip
- grandeing
- graphical smileys
- grass station
- grass-roots campaign
- gray matter
- graybar land
- green adults
- green teens
- greenwash
- gremlins
- grinder
- grok
- grrl
- Gualla
- Gucci
- guerrilla networks
- guestbook
- gumint
- gutenberg
- gutter tribes
- Hack-o-grams
- hacker
- hacker ethic
- hacker jargon
- hacktivist
- Haiku poetry error messages
- hairball
- halo effect
- ham
- hand salsa
- hand-holding
- handle
- hang-time
- hangry
- hardwired
- hashtag
- hashtag activism
- haunting
- heads-down tribe
- heart bargain
- heavy Internet user
- height technology
- heisenbug
- helfie
- helicopter parent
- hemming and hawing
- Henry the Forger
- high agency
- high dome
- high key
- hijacker
- hijackware
- hillbilly heroin
- hippie dippie
- history
- hit my clip
- hive
- holds the keys
- holy war
- home slice
- homebrew
- homepage
- homestead
- homograph
- homonym
- homophone
- honeypot
- hook and book
- hose and close
- hospitality hack
- hosting
- hotlink
- hotlist
- hourglass mode
- house file hygiene
- house mouse
- hover
- huge pipes
- human capital
- human gateway
- humble brag
- humoticon
- hunda p
- Hundo P
- hunt-and-peck
- hydraulics of the situation
- hype
- hyperlink
- hyperpower
- I take your question
- I-anything
- I/O error
- iamgoogle
- IB4m
- idea hamster
- identity crash
- image aspirations
- in real time
- in silico
- in situ
- in the cloud
- in the demo
- in the leather
- in the parish
- in the plastic closet
- in the pod
- in the zone
- incel
- incubaby
- indie or indy
- indigenous content
- induhvidual
- infobahn
- infodemic
- infographic
- infonesia
- information dominance
- information gridlock
- information leakage
- information overload
- information superhighway
- infosnacking
- infosumer
- infotainment
- inmigrant
- inner geek
- instabait
- instagator
- instagrandstanding
- intellectual gill-netting
- international online jargon
- Internaut
- internesia
- Internet addiction
- Internet hoax
- Internet hunting
- Internet time
- internetworking
- Internut
- interstitial
- interweb
- intexticated
- intimate data
- intrapreneur
- iPhony
- IPOaf
- ippie
- IQueue
- irritainment
- it's a feature
- J-code
- J-list
- jabber
- jack in
- jailbreaking
- Japanese smileys
- jawboning
- jelly
- jerry-rig
- jewel button
- jitterati
- juice a brick
- juice card
- juice jacking
- junk sleep
- kangaroo code
- kangaroo parent
- Karen
- keeping it 100
- keitai
- kevork
- key pal
- keyboard plaque
- keyboard trauma
- kill switch
- kitten
- kittenfish
- kluge or kludge
- knowbots
- koan
- Kobrigram
- kodak courage
- kubris
- l33t
- lackfo
- lag or lagging
- lamer
- LANlord
- laptop nomad
- Larry the Bird
- lasagna syndrome
- Latinx
- latte town
- Laurel or Yanny
- lawnmower parent
- laymanise
- leaky reply
- leetspeak
- left unread
- legacy footprint
- leveraged flyout
- libtard
- lick your lips
- life support
- lifestreaming
- like
- link farm
- link juice
- link popularity
- link rot
- linkrot
- listicle
- lit
- little r
- live
- live chat
- llama
- load
- login or log in
- logoff
- Lolcat
- loller
- lonelygirl15
- looking for Mr. GoodVar
- looky-loo
- looping
- loser error
- loud budgeting
- low key
- luddite
- lumbersexual
- lumpy
- lurk
- lurker
- magic lantern
- magic smoke
- mail bomb
- malware
- manosphere
- mansplaining
- manthreading
- map
- marching ants
- Market-Leninism
- martian packet
- matrix
- MCI project
- McLuhanism
- meatbot
- meatjail
- meatloaf
- meatspace
- mecca
- media contamination
- media fusion
- meltdown
- meme
- memorial state
- mention
- merchantainment
- Merica
- Met ED
- metajacking
- metaverse
- metoobies
- micro moment
- microblog
- microchip graffiti
- microinfluencer
- micropost
- microserf
- microsociety
- midair passenger exchange
- middle school dance
- migrate
- milk
- millennials
- millingo
- mint
- misgender
- misinformation
- mobile moment
- mobisode
- modemhead
- mole
- mommy-save
- money
- monitor pets
- mood
- moonshine shop
- mopper
- most-favored nations
- mountain folk
- mouse hand
- mouse potato
- mousejacking
- mouselexia
- mousetrapping
- move fast and break things
- muchomedia
- MUD flaps
- muggle
- multi-mediocrity
- murk
- Murphy's laws on technology
- my bad
- my heart
- Napster fabbing
- Napsterized
- nar
- narco pop
- NASCAR effect
- navigate
- neevil
- negging
- neo-luddite
- neologism
- neophyte
- nerd
- nerd bird
- nerd rustler
- nerdistan
- nesting
- Net head
- Net lag
- net news
- Net personality
- Net police
- net spider
- net.god
- netbetting
- netiquette
- netizen
- netroots
- netsite
- netsploitation
- netsploitation flick
- netwar
- network pirate
- new consumer paradigm
- newbie
- newszak
- nigritude ultramarine
- nine-iron
- nine-to-five code
- Nokiait
- nomophobia
- nonlinear behavior
- nooksurfer
- noppers
- Not Found 404
- notwork
- NSA line eater
- nudge
- nut cluster
- nutraceutical
- Nyetscape
- nym
- nym-rod
- object value
- off the chain
- off-deck
- office drone
- official site
- offline
- offline browser
- offshored
- ogooglebar
- ohnosecond
- omnicide
- on fleek
- on ice
- on the team
- on velvet
- on-screen
- on-the-fly
- online
- online auction
- online community
- online dating
- online hate speech
- online jargon
- online newsletter
- online shopping
- orbiting
- organ donor
- organized coincidence
- orphan annie
- ostrich years
- otaku
- outrage porn
- over-Mac'd
- overconnectedness
- overshare
- owls
- oy vey
- p-book
- p-mail
- pagejacking
- pain in the net
- paintmonkey
- panarchy
- pangloom
- panic merchants
- parade
- parasite
- parasiteware
- parasocial relationship
- paste bomb
- patent stump
- path
- paygrounds
- PayPal mafia
- PDFing
- peeped
- penguinhead
- percussive maintenance
- peripheralitis
- permalancer
- permalink
- perot
- pet shaming
- peter panning
- phantom ring
- pharming
- phish
- phishing
- phone dump
- phone face
- phonesia
- phonetography
- photoshopped
- phreak
- phubbing
- Picasso porn
- pickling
- pics or it didn’t happen
- piggyback
- pimpware
- pin bender
- pink
- pirate
- pixel dust
- pixel pusher
- pixel shim
- placeblog
- plastic pocket-protector set
- platform diving
- playground
- plinking
- plog
- plonk
- plug
- plug-and-pray
- plugged-in
- plutoed
- poachware
- point
- Point Listing
- point-of-purchase politics
- pointcasting
- poke
- poke war
- pomo
- pomosexual
- ponytails
- poof company
- popsicle
- porn-napping
- pornado
- portal
- portmanteau
- posh
- post
- post-greenspan
- post-PC
- post-truth
- posting
- postmaster
- power leveling
- power luser
- power rudeness
- PP2P
- prairie dogging
- praise orgy
- prebuttal
- pregame
- pretexting
- privacation
- private Web
- productize
- programming in Word
- prolly
- prompt
- proof of failure
- propellerhead
- props
- pseudo-supervisor
- psyche
- pulling glass
- puma
- put someone on
- putt-putt market
- radio tags
- ransomware
- rant-and-rave
- rasterbator
- ratchet
- ratting
- real programming
- Real Soon Now
- real time chat
- real world
- real-time
- reality check
- rebump
- receipt porn
- receipts
- reciprocal link
- refusenik
- reg
- reintarnation
- render farm
- render wander
- rents
- respeck
- retweet
- revenge porn
- reverse improvement
- rib site
- ribs 'n' dick
- rich media
- Richard Petty syndrome
- Richerd
- Rickroll
- rides
- right to disconnect
- Rimm job
- RingMaster
- ringxiety
- rinky-dink
- rizz
- roach coach
- roaching
- road builders
- road dawg
- roadcasting
- roadie
- rogue site
- rollover
- ROM brain
- romanceting
- router droppings
- rumint
- rumorazzi
- said no one ever
- Salinger syndrome
- salmon day
- salty
- sandbox
- sandwich generation
- savage
- scarecrow technology
- scareware
- schadenfreude
- Schrödinger’s text
- screen time
- screen-saver face
- screenagers
- scribe tribes
- script
- script kiddie
- scroll (and) scroll bar
- scrooging
- seasteading
- second-hand screen time
- secured the bag
- selfie
- selfie dysmorphia
- selfielapse
- send storm
- serendipity search
- Server has no DNS Entry
- sex selfie
- sexting
- shade
- shadow banning
- shake-and-bake
- shaming
- sharenting
- shareware girl
- shelf baby
- shelfie
- shelfware
- shipper
- shook
- shopgrifting
- shopper-lifting
- shorthand
- shoulder surfing
- shovelware
- showrooming
- showstopper
- shrink-wrap
- side hustle
- sig quote
- Silicon Valley divorce
- Siliconia
- silver surfer
- simus
- singing daisy
- sipping the tea
- sis
- site
- situationship
- skeet
- skimming
- skin
- skitzo
- skrrt
- skurt
- slacktivist
- slag
- slashdot
- slay
- sledging
- sleep camels
- slinging code
- SloGo
- slop
- sloppy clicker
- slow fade
- slug
- slug mail
- small indulgence syndrome
- smartphone face
- smartphone thumb
- smasher
- smiley or smileys
- smishing
- smoke test
- smol
- smut miner
- snack
- snackfish
- snail mail
- Snap trap
- snarky
- snatched
- sneakernet
- snowball
- snowflake
- SO stalemate
- social bookmarking
- social engineering
- social media
- social networking
- social notworking
- social scoring
- social squatter
- sociomedia
- sockpuppet
- soul-mining
- space junk
- spaghetti code
- spam
- spam trap
- spamhandling
- spamhaus
- spammin'
- spamouflage
- speako
- spear phishing
- spin
- spin doctors
- splash page
- splog
- spod
- spoof Web site
- spotted owl
- squad goals
- squammer
- square grouper
- square-headed spouse
- squidzillionaire
- squirt the bird
- stalker site
- stan
- starter marriages
- stashing
- stasi-ware
- stealth URLs
- stemming
- sticky content
- stinkubator
- straight fire
- straight-on smileys
- strangelove ocean
- StreetSpotting
- stress puppy
- stuffer
- stussy
- style guide
- submarining
- suck sites
- sugarpic
- suh
- sunset
- super node
- superadd
- supertasker
- surf or surfing
- Surfus
- survival chic
- sus
- swatting
- sweeple
- swerve
- swiped out
- swole
- synchronous
- synthespian
- table stable
- tadpole
- tagging
- talk or talker
- taskbar lint
- tech neck
- techlash
- technical butt-sniffing
- techno-hippies
- technobabble
- technocowboy
- technohedonist
- technojunkie
- technological bite back
- technology cave
- technology gone awry
- technophile
- Ted
- telephone number salary
- telesmell
- ten-dollar solution
- tennis e-mail
- tether
- tetwrist
- text man or text woman
- text me
- text message
- textlationship
- textonym
- textrovert
- textual chemistry
- the beast
- the big tent
- the bomb
- the end
- The End of Quiet
- the net
- the nursery
- the real world
- the struggle is real
- the Web
- thicc
- thiefware
- third millennium
- thirst trap
- thirsty
- This
- thrashing
- thread
- three-dot disappearing act
- throbbers
- throning
- thumb-typing
- tiger parent
- time porn
- Tindstagramming
- tipping p
- toast
- toasternet
- tofu
- tope
- topic drift
- torch mode
- TOSsed out
- totes
- tourists
- toy value
- trackable
- tracker
- tradigital
- train wreck
- Transfer interrupted!
- transhumanism
- transparency
- transphobia
- trap car
- travel bug
- treeware
- trending
- trill
- triple-dub
- Trog mode
- troll
- troll farm
- tubiverse
- tumbleweeds
- turklebaum
- turn up
- turnt
- twalker
- tweak freak
- tweckling
- tween
- tweepish
- tweeps
- tweetaholic
- tweeting
- tweetstorm
- tweetup
- twerk
- twibe
- twitch game
- twitt
- twitterati
- twitterature
- twitterhea
- twittermob
- twitterverse
- two-letter domain
- typosquatting
- umfriend
- uncuffing
- under construction
- under mouse arrest
- unfriend
- uninstalled
- unknown zone
- unlock
- unmetered
- unofficial site
- unplugged
- upgradathon
- upgrade fever
- upskirting
- user
- user-friendly
- user-generated content
- username
- Using a previously cached copy version
- value-subtracted reseller
- vamping
- vampire time
- vanity page
- vaping
- vaporware
- veal pens
- velveeta
- vertical portal
- vi
- viral
- virtual
- virtual community
- virtual self
- virtue signaling
- vishing
- visitor
- vlut
- voice jail system
- voice novel
- VR
- vubicle
- vulcan nerve pinch
- vulture capitalist
- vulturing
- WAD widow
- waitbuster
- Walden zone
- waldo
- walled garden
- wallhumper
- wanksta
- wankware
- wardriving
- warez
- wealth work
- weasel text
- weather acronyms
- Web content
- Web dead
- Web guide
- Web guru
- Web head
- Web hippie
- Web jam
- Web page
- Web space
- webbelganger
- webcitations
- Webitorial
- Webmaster
- Webmistress
- WebRing
- Websmith
- webster
- webtop
- welcome page
- welfie
- wetware
- whack
- whack-a-mole
- whale
- whaling attack
- white whale
- whittling
- whole-house opportunity
- WiFive
- wig
- wince derogatory
- wire jam
- wired
- wireheading
- woke
- wolf tickets
- wonderware
- word-of-mouse
- worder
- workaround
- World Wide Wait
- Y2K
- yaaaaas
- yak shaving
- yeet
- yetties
- yike
- you're breaking up
- you're good
- you-turn
- youie
- youthquake
- yuppie food coupon