NetLingo List of Smileys and Emoticons :-)
A smiley is a sequence of characters on your computer keyboard. If you don't see it, try tilting your head to the left -- the colon is the eyes, the dash represents the nose and the right parenthesis is the mouth. Smileys usually follow after the punctuation, or in place of the punctuation, at the end of a sentence ;-) A smiley tells someone what you really mean when you make an offhand remark. They're also called emoticons because they are "icons" which convey "emotion."
New generations of smileys continue to appear on the scene and NetLingo keeps tracking them down. The so-called "modern smileys" (which look like graphical smileys) are known as emojis. There are also straight-on smileys which are considered another form of ASCII ART because you do not tilt your head but rather look at it straight on, such as @(*0*)@ for a Koala and {=^;^=} for a cat.
And that's not all, there are also assicons and boobiecons... and be sure to check out the Japanese smilyes and the creative use of symbols used in leetspeak.
Here is the NetLingo ever-growing list of smileys... enjoy!
:p Smiley with tongue hanging out
- :D<3
Big smiley with big bust
- (y):-p
Donald Trump
- =)
Happy face
- ;)
Left winking male smiley
- ": )"
Quoth the smiley
- :))
Super Happy Face
- :D
Sweet, big smile for you
- ;-P
Winking smiley with sly expression
- O:-) Angel
- 0;-) Angel wink - male
- :-{{ Angry Very
- ~:o Baby
- d:-) Baseball
- :-{0 Basic Mustache
- :-){ Beard
- : = Beaver
- :-)^< Big Boy
- :-)8< Big Girl
- :-X Big Wet Kiss
- (:-D Blabber Mouth
- (:- Blank Expression
- :-] Blockhead
- :-}X Bow Tie-Wearing
- :-(=) Bucktoothed
- :-F Bucktoothed Vampire with One Tooth Missing
- }|{ Butterfly
- }:-X Cat
- C=:-) Chef
- *<<<<+ Christmas Tree
- *<):o) Clown
- %) Confused
- :`-( Crying
- &:-) Curly Hair
- >:-> Devilish
- :3-] Dog
- :-B Drooling out of Both Sides of Mouth
- <:-l Dunce
- (:-| Egghead
- :-} Embarrassed Smile
- >:) Evil
- G(-'.'G) Fighting Kid - it's a straight-on smiley
- :-! Foot in Mouth
- :-W Forked Tongue
- %*@:-) Freaking Out
- 8) Frog
- *:*} Fuzzy With a Mustache
- 8*) Glasses and a Half Mustache
- }:-) Hair Parted in the Middle Sticking up on Sides
- :-' Has a Dimple
- :(#) Has Braces variation
- /;-) Heavy Eyebrows - Slanted
- (_8(|) Homer Simpson
- (^~^~^) Hot Ass Walking Away
- %*@:-( Hungover with headache
- o[-<]: I am a skater or I like to skate
- (|):-)=II= Jewish Blonde
- @:-} Just Back From Hairdresser
- >^,,^< Kitty Cat - it's a straight-on smiley
- ~*= Kitty running away from you
- @(*0*)@ Koala - it's a straight-on smiley
- (-: Left Hand
- >;-> Lewd Remark
- ;-, Like, Duh
- %+{ Lost a Fight
- X-( Mad
- :-(*) Makes Me Sick
- @@@@:-) Marge Simpson
- #:-) Messy Hair
- :) Midget
- :-3 Mustache (Handlebar Type)
- :-# My Lips Are Sealed
- ):-( Nordic
- 8-O Omigod!
- 8> Penguin
- 3:] Pet Dog
- :---) Pinnochio
- 3:[ Pitbull
- +<:-) Pope
- +:-) Priest
- ?-) Proud of black eye
- =:-( Punk Not Smiling
- :-r Rasberry
- :-C Real Unhappy
- :-)) Really Happy
- [:] Robot
- 3:*> Rudolph the red nose reindeer
- :( Sad Turtle
- :-y Said with a Smile variation
- *<|:-) Santa Claus
- :-@ Screaming
- $__$ Sees Money
- 8-0 Shocked
- :-V Shouting
- ~:-P Single Hair
- ':-/ Skeptical again
- O-) Smiley After Smoking a Banana
- :-, Smirk
- :- i Smoking a cig
- :-Q Smoking while talking
- :-( <| Standing Firm
- %-) Staring at a Screen for 15 hours
- /8^{~ Sunglasses, Mustache, Goatee
- `:-) Sweating
- :-0 Talkative
- -(:)(0)=8 Teletubby
- :- ? Tongue Sticking Out
- :-a Tongue Touching Nose
- }(:-( Toupee Blowing in Wind
- x:-/ Uncertain
- :-| Unfazed
- |:-| Unyielding
- :-))) Very Happy
- (:-( Very Unhappy
- @:-) Wavy Hair
- [:-) Wearing a Walkman
- B-) Wearing Glasses
- ]-I Wearing Sunglasses
- :-1 Whatever
- ;^? Wigged Out
- ,-) Winking Happy
- 8<:-) Wizard
- :~) Wondering
- l-O Yawning
- :-(0) Yelling
- $-) Yuppie
- :0)
Big Nose Smiley
- X/)
Blinded by love
- 8<)
Glasses smiley
- =D
Happy happy big smiley
- >.<
Pucker face - it's a straight-on smiley
- :-$
Rich smiley
- <:)>
Super Smiley
- .')
- @>--;-- A rose
- 0*-) Angel wink - female
- :-Z Angry face
- >:-( Annoyed
- ~~8-O Bad-Hair Day
- :-) Basic
- :~-( Bawling
- (:-{~ Beard - long
- %-| Been up All Night
- (:-) Big Face
- (((H))) Big Hug
- =|:o} Bill Clinton smiley
- ?-( Black Eye
- #-) Blinking
- I:( Botox smiley
- %-6 Brain Dead
- :-E Bucktoothed Vampire
- :-#| Bushy Mustache
- })i({ Butterfly - an even prettier one
- q:-) Catcher
- ;-( Chin up
- :-.) Cindy Crawford
- :-8( Condescending Stare
- H-) Cross-Eyed
- :*( Crying softly
- :-@! Cursing
- %-} Dizzy
- :*) Drinking every night
- :#) Drunk
- :-6 Eating Something Spicy
- 5:-) Elvis
- 0|-) Enjoying the Sun
- >-) Evil Grin
- l:-O FlatTop Loudmouth
- =:-H Football player
- :^{= Frank Zappa
- /:-) Frenchman with a beret
- *:* Fuzzy
- ~~:-( Getting Rained On
- :oÞ Grinning and sticking tongue out (type ALT+0222 on righthand number keypad)
- :-}) Handlebar Mustache
- :%)% Has Acne
- :-`| Have a Cold
- l^o Hepcat
- (_8^(|) Homer Simpson
- *^_^* Huge Dazzling Grin - it's a straight-on smiley
:0 Hungry- %*} Inebriated
- (8 { John Lennon
- :-* Kiss on the cheek
>* Kitty doesn't like taking its pill- >:-l Klingon
- %OD Laughing like crazy
- ?-: Left Handed Tongue Touching Nose
- :-9 Licking Lips
- 8:-) Little Girl
- |-( Lost Contact Lenses
- &-l Makes Me Cry
- :-S Makes No Sense
- @|-) Meditating Smiley
- 8(:-) Mickey Mouse
- :-{ Mustache
- {:-{)} Mustache and Beard
- (-) Needs Haircut
- :/) Not Amused
- :=) Orangutan
- :^) Personality
- :8) Pig
- P-( Pirate
- }:^#) Pointy Nosed
- :-t Pouting
- X:-) Propeller Head
- =:-) Punk
- <(-'.'-)> Puppy dog - it's a straight-on smiley
- (((((:-{= Rave Dude
- ~:-( Really Bummed Out
- ([( Robocop
- @};--- Rose
- :-( Sad
- :-d Said with a smile
- M:-) Saluting
- :-> Sarcastic
- )8-) Scuba Diver with Hair
- :-i Semi-Smile
- +-( Shot Between the Eyes
- :O Singing
- :-/ Skeptical
- :-7 Skeptical variation
- ):-) Smiley with Hair
- ;^) Smirking
- :-? Smoking a pipe
- ~~~~8} Snake
- =%-O Stared at Computer Way Too Long
- (8-{)} Sunglasses, Mustache, Beard
- :0 Surprised
- ,:-) Sweating on the Other Side
- &-| Tearful
- :-)--- Thin as a Pin
- :-& Tongue Tied
- *!#*!^*&:- Total Head Case
- <:>== Turkey
- =):-) Uncle Sam
- |:-) Unibrow
- :-[ Vampire
- %') Very Tired
- :-< Walrus
- {(:-) Wearing a Toupee
- 8-) Wearing Contacts
- :-{} Wearing Lipstick
- {:-) Wears a Toupee
- :-" Whistling
- '-) Winking
- ;-) Winking variation
- :-)8 : Woman
- ,-} Wry and Winking
- |^o Yawning or Snoring variation
- =8-0 Yikes!