- alt.1d
- ?
- alt.3d
- Discussions of 3 dimensional imaging.
- alt.abortion.inequity
- Paternal obligations of failing to abort unwanted child.
- alt.abuse.recovery
- ?
- alt.activism
- Activities for activists.
- alt.activism.d
- A place to discuss issues in alt.activism.
- alt.activism.death-penalty
- ?
- alt.adoption
- Adopting people.
- alt.aeffle.und.pferdle
- German TV cartoon characters.
- alt.agriculture.fruit
- ?
- alt.agriculture.misc
- General discussions of agriculture, farming, etc.
- alt.aldus.freehand
- ?
- alt.aldus.misc
- ?
- alt.aldus.pagemaker
- ?
- alt.alien.visitors
- Space creatures ate my modem.
- alt.amateur-comp
- Discussion and input for Amateur Computerist Newsletter.
- alt.angst
- Anxiety in the modern world.
- alt.answers
- ? (Moderated)
- alt.appalachian
- Appalachian region awareness, events, and culture.
- alt.aquaria
- The aquarium & related as a hobby.
- alt.archery
- Discussion of archery.
- alt.architecture
- Building design/construction and related topics.
- alt.architecture.alternative
- From solar energy to composting toilets, technical issues.
- alt.artcom
- Artistic Community.
- alt.asian-movies
- ?
- alt.astrology
- Twinkle, twinkle, little planet.
- alt.atheism
- Discussions of atheism.
- alt.atheism.moderated
- Atheism and related topics. (Moderated)
- alt.ato
- ?
- alt.autos.antique
- Discussion of all facets of older automobiles.
- alt.autos.rod-n-custom
- ?
- alt.bacchus
- A newsgroup for the non-profit 'BACCHUS' organization.
- alt.backrubs
- Lower...to the right...aaaah!
- alt.basement.graveyard
- Another side of the do-it-yourself movement.
- alt.bbs
- Computer BBS systems & software.
- alt.bbs.ads
- Ads for various computer BBS's.
- alt.bbs.allsysop
- SysOp concerns of ALL networks and technologies.
- alt.bbs.first-class
- ?
- alt.bbs.internet
- BBS systems accessible via the Internet.
- alt.bbs.lists
- Postings of regional BBS listings.
- alt.bbs.lists.d
- Discussion about regional BBS listings.
- alt.bbs.metal
- The METAL Telecommunications Enviornment.
- alt.bbs.pcboard
- Technical support for the PCBoard BBS.
- alt.bbs.pcbuucp
- The commerical PCBoard gateway, PCB-UUCP.
- alt.bbs.unixbbs
- Discussion of the BBS package UnixBBS.
- alt.bbs.uupcb
- PCB? I used to do that in the Sixties, man ...
- alt.bbs.wildcat
- ?
- alt.beer
- Good for what ales ya.
- alt.best.of.internet
- It was a time of sorrow, it was a time of joy.
- alt.bigfoot
- Dr. Scholl's gone native.
- alt.binaries.multimedia
- Sound, text and graphics data rolled in one.
- alt.binaries.pictures.d
- Discussion of postings to alt.binaries.pictures.*.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
- Gigabytes of copyright violations.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.blondes
- Blonde copyright violations.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d
- Discussion about erotic pictures.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female
- Copyright violations featuring mostly females.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male
- Copyright violations featuring mostly males.
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals
- ?
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d
- Discussion of the fine-art binaries. (Moderated)
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized
- Art from conventional media. (Moderated)
- alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics
- Art created on computers. (Moderated)
- alt.binaries.pictures.fractals
- For postings of fractal-pictures.
- alt.binaries.pictures.misc
- Have we saturated the network yet?
- alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels
- Uuencoded pictures of "supermodels."
- alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless
- Binary postings of especially tasteless.
- alt.binaries.pictures.utilities
- Posting of pictures-related utilities.
- alt.binaries.sounds.d
- Sounding off.
- alt.binaries.sounds.misc
- Digitized audio adventures.
- alt.binaries.sounds.music
- Music samples in MOD/669 format.
- alt.birthright
- Birthright Party propaganda.
- alt.bitterness
- No matter what it's for, you know how it'll turn out.
- alt.bonsai
- For discussion of Bonsai gardening.
- alt.books.anne-rice
- ?
- alt.books.deryni
- Katherine Kurtz's books, especially the Deryni series.
- alt.books.isaac-asimov
- Fans of the late SF/science author Isaac Asimov.
- alt.books.reviews
- ?
- alt.books.technical
- Discussion of technical books.
- alt.boomerang
- Technology and use of the boomerang.
- alt.brother-jed
- The born-again minister touring US campuses.
- alt.business.misc
- ?
- alt.business.multi-level
- Multi-level (network) marketing businesses.
- alt.cable-tv.re-regulate
- Re-regulation of the cable television industry.
- alt.cad
- Computer Aided Design.
- alt.cad.autocad
- CAD as practiced by customers of Autodesk.
- alt.california
- The state and the state of mind.
- alt.callahans
- Callahan's bar for puns and fellowship.
- alt.cascade
- For cascade experimentation and discussion.
- alt.cd-rom
- Discussions of optical storage media.
- alt.censorship
- Discussion about restricting speech/press.
- alt.cereal
- Breakfast cereals and their (m)ilk.
- alt.cesium
- College Educated Students In Universal Mainland.
- alt.child-support
- Raising children in a split family.
- alt.chinchilla
- The nature of chinchilla farming in America Today.
- alt.chinese.text
- General postings of Chinese in a standard form.
- alt.chinese.text.big5
- Posting in Chinese[BIG 5].
- alt.clearing.technology
- ?
- alt.co-evolution
- Excerpts and discussions of the Whole Earth Review.
- alt.co-ops
- Discussion about co-operatives.
- alt.cobol
- Use of the programming language COBOL.
- alt.collecting.autographs
- WOW! You got Pete Rose's? What about Kibo's?
- alt.college.college-bowl
- Discussions of the College Bowl competition.
- alt.college.food
- Dining halls, cafeterias, mystery meat, and more!
- alt.colorguard
- Marching bands etc.
- alt.comedy.british
- Discussion of British comedy in a variety of media.
- alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre
- ?
- alt.comics.batman
- ?
- alt.comics.buffalo-roam
- Comic strips (Where The Buffalo Roam) by Hans Bjordahl.
- alt.comics.lnh
- ?
- alt.comics.superman
- ?
- alt.comp.acad-freedom.news
- Academic freedom issues related to computers. (Moderated)
- alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk
- Academic freedom issues related to computers.
- alt.comp.databases.xbase.clipper
- Discussion about the database programming language clipper.
- alt.comp.fsp
- A file transport protocol.
- alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
- ?
- alt.computer.consultants
- ?
- alt.config
- Alternative subnet discussions and connectivity.
- alt.consciousness
- Discussions of all aspects of the essence of human consciousness.
- alt.conspiracy
- Be paranoid -- they're out to get you.
- alt.conspiracy.jfk
- Discussion of the JFK assassination.
- alt.control-theory
- ?
- alt.cosuard
- Council of Sysops & Users Against Rate Discrimination.
- alt.cult-movies
- Movies with a cult following (e.g., Rocky Horror PS)
- alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror
- Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!
- alt.culture.alaska
- Discussion about the state of Alaska.
- alt.culture.argentina
- ?
- alt.culture.austrian
- Mail-News gateway of austrian-culture@mail.unet.umn.edu.
- alt.culture.electric-midget
- Waiting for the dwarf, or someone like him.
- alt.culture.hawaii
- Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Aina I Ka Pono.
- alt.culture.indonesia
- Discussion of Indonesia (culture/news/etc).
- alt.culture.internet
- The culture(s) of the Internet.
- alt.culture.karnataka
- Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka.
- alt.culture.kerala
- Discussion of the culture of the Keralite people worldwide.
- alt.culture.ny-upstate
- ?
- alt.culture.oregon
- Discussion about the state of Oregon.
- alt.culture.tuva
- Topics related to the Republic of Tuva.
- alt.culture.us.asian-indian
- Asian Indians in the US and Canada.
- alt.culture.us.southwest
- ?
- alt.culture.usenet
- The USENET community.
- alt.current-events.bosnia
- Discussion of the situation in Bosnia.
- alt.current-events.somalia
- Discussion of the situation in Somalia.
- alt.cyb-sys
- Cybernetics and Systems.
- alt.cyberpunk
- High-tech low-life.
- alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo
- Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout.
- alt.cyberpunk.movement
- Cybernizing the Universe.
- alt.cyberpunk.tech
- Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology.
- alt.cyberspace
- Cyberspace and how it should work.
- alt.dads-rights
- Rights of fathers trying to win custody in court.
- alt.dcom.catv
- Discussion of Cable TV technology.
- alt.dcom.telecom
- Discussion of telecommunications technology.
- alt.dear.whitehouse
- When Hints from Heloise aren't enough.
- alt.decathena
- ? (Moderated)
- alt.desert-storm
- The war against Iraq in Kuwait.
- alt.desert-storm.facts
- For factual information on The Gulf War.
- alt.desert-thekurds
- What's happening to the Kurds in Iraq.
- alt.destroy.the.earth
- Deteriorata meets the Space Orphans.
- alt.dev.null
- ? (Moderated)
- alt.devilbunnies
- Probably better left undescribed.
- alt.discordia
- ?
- alt.discrimination
- Quotas, affirmative action, bigotry, persecution.
- alt.divination
- Divination techniques (e.g., I Ching, Tarot, runes).
- alt.dreams
- What do they mean?
- alt.dreams.lucid
- ?
- alt.drugs
- Recreational pharmaceuticals and related flames.
- alt.drugs.caffeine
- All about the world's most-used stimulant drug.
- alt.drumcorps
- Drum and bugle corps discussion (and related topics).
- alt.drwho.creative
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok
- The Bangkok distance education project.
- alt.education.bangkok.cmc
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok.databases
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok.planning
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok.research
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok.student
- ?
- alt.education.bangkok.theory
- ?
- alt.education.disabled
- Learning experiences for the disabled.
- alt.education.distance
- Learning over nets etc.
- alt.education.research
- ?
- alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2
- Apple ][ emulators running on IBM PCs.
- alt.emusic
- Ethnic, exotic, electronic, elaborate, etc. music.
- alt.engr.explosives
- Building backyard bombs.
- alt.evil
- Tales from the dark side.
- alt.exotic-music
- Exotic music discussions.
- alt.exploding.kibo
- Perhaps just wishful thinking.
- alt.fan.alok.vijayvargia
- ?
- alt.fan.asprin
- The works of Robert Lynn Asprin.
- alt.fan.bgcrisis
- The Bubblegum Crisis series and related material.
- alt.fan.bill-gates
- ?
- alt.fan.chris-elliott
- ?
- alt.fan.dale-bass
- Dale Bass, baseless refuter of Scientific American.
- alt.fan.dan-quayle
- For discussion of the US Vice President.
- alt.fan.dave_barry
- Electronic fan club for humorist Dave Barry.
- alt.fan.devo
- Funny hats do not a band make.
- alt.fan.dice-man
- Fans of Andrew Dice Clay.
- alt.fan.dick-depew
- Dump on Dick.
- alt.fan.disney.afternoon
- Any and all cartoons in the Disney Afternoon.
- alt.fan.douglas-adams
- Author of "The Meaning of Liff", & other fine works.
- alt.fan.dune
- For fans of the Dune Books.
- alt.fan.eddings
- The fantasy worlds of David Eddings.
- alt.fan.enya
- For Enya fandom.
- alt.fan.frank-zappa
- Fans of Frank Zappa and Zappa related bands.
- alt.fan.furry
- Fans of funny animals, ala Steve Gallacci's book.
- alt.fan.g-gordon-liddy
- ?
- alt.fan.goons
- Careful Neddy, it's that dastardly Moriarty again.
- alt.fan.greaseman
- ?
- alt.fan.hofstadter
- ?
- alt.fan.holmes
- Elementary, my dear Watson.
- alt.fan.howard-stern
- Fans of the abrasive radio & TV personality.
- alt.fan.james-bond
- ?
- alt.fan.jeff-witty
- ?
- alt.fan.jen-coolest
- Gosh, isn't she just wonderful?
- alt.fan.jimmy-buffett
- ?
- alt.fan.joel-furr
- All about Mr. "I'm gonna newgroup everybody" Furr.
- alt.fan.john-palmer
- Tygra, tygra, burning blight...
- alt.fan.kali.astarte.inanna
- ?
- alt.fan.karla-homolka
- Why are there so few hot, exhibitionist, S&M women?
- alt.fan.kent-montana
- Appreciation of the Kent Montana Book Series.
- alt.fan.kevin-darcy
- The Kevin Darcy Appreciation Society.
- alt.fan.lemurs
- All about Lemur fandom and folklore.
- alt.fan.letterman
- Fans of Late Nite with David Letterman.
- alt.fan.madonna
- Fans of the pop music star Madonna.
- alt.fan.maria-callas
- ?
- alt.fan.mike-jittlov
- Electronic fan club for animator Mike Jittlov.
- alt.fan.monty-python
- Electronic fan club for those wacky Brits.
- alt.fan.nathan.brazil
- Fans of the Well of Souls, and all things Markovian...
- alt.fan.noam-chomsky
- Noam Chomsky's writings and opinions.
- alt.fan.pern
- Anne McCaffery's s-f oeuvre.
- alt.fan.piers-anthony
- The many works of author Piers Anthony.
- alt.fan.pratchett
- Discussions about Terry Pratchett's works.
- alt.fan.q
- Fans of Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- alt.fan.ren-and-stimpy
- Same as alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy.
- alt.fan.robert.mcelwaine
- Another favorite net-personality.
- alt.fan.ronald-reagan
- Jellybeans and all.
- alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
- Fans of the conservative activist radio announcer.
- alt.fan.serdar-argic
- All about Armenia, Turkey, genocide, and robot-posting.
- alt.fan.shostakovich
- Classical music composer.
- alt.fan.spinal-tap
- Down on the sex farm.
- alt.fan.thunder-thumbs
- ?
- alt.fan.tolkien
- Discussion of J.R.R. Tolkien's works.
- alt.fan.tom-robbins
- Fans of author Tom Robbins.
- alt.fan.tom_peterson
- Portland Oregon's favorite son.
- alt.fan.u2
- ?
- alt.fan.wal-greenslade
This is the BBC Home Service.......
. - alt.fan.warlord
- Mocking net.gods and net.weenies.
- alt.fan.wodehouse
- Discussion of the works of humour author P.G. Wodehouse.
- alt.fandom.cons
- Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others).
- alt.fandom.misc
- Other topics for fans of various kinds.
- alt.fashion
- Discussions about the world of fashion.
- alt.feminism
- Unmoderated discussion of feminist issues.
- alt.filesystems.afs
- Discussions about AFS, from deployment to development.
- alt.fishing
- Fishing as a hobby and sport.
- alt.flame
- Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming.
- alt.flame.roommate
- Putting the pig on a spit.
- alt.folklore.college
- College related folklore.
- alt.folklore.computers
- Stories & anecdotes about computers (some true!).
- alt.folklore.ghost-stories
- Ghost story folklore, personal experiences, etc.
- alt.folklore.herbs
- Discussion of all aspects of herbs and their uses.
- alt.folklore.science
- The lore and folklore of science.
- alt.folklore.urban
- Urban legends, ala Jan Harold Brunvand.
- alt.food.cocacola
- & Royal Crown, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, NEHI, etc...
- alt.food.fat-free
- ?
- alt.food.sugar-cereals
- All about sugary breakfast cereals!
- alt.forgery
- One place for all forgeries--crossposting encouraged.
- alt.fractal-design.painter
- ?
- alt.fractals.pictures
- Cheaper just to send the program parameters.
- alt.galactic-guide
- Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Known Galaxy Project Group.
- alt.games.frp.dnd-util
- Discussion and creation of utility programs for AD&D.
- alt.games.frp.live-action
- ?
- alt.games.gb
- The Galactic Bloodshed conquest game.
- alt.games.lynx
- Discussing the Atari Lynx and its games.
- alt.games.mk
- Struggling in Mortal Kombat!
- alt.games.mornington.cresent
- Mornington Cresent.
- alt.games.sf2
- Street Fighter 2 videogame discussion.
- alt.games.tiddlywinks
- All aspects of the game of Tiddlywinks.
- alt.games.torg
- Gateway for TORG mailing list.
- alt.games.vga-planets
- Discussion of Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets.
- alt.games.video.classic
- "Classic" videogames from before the mid-80s.
- alt.games.xpilot
- Discussion on all aspects of the X11 game Xpilot.
- alt.games.xtrek
- All about a Star Trek game for X.
- alt.gathering.rainbow
- For discussing the annual Rainbow Gathering.
- alt.geek
- To fulfill an observed need.
- alt.good.morning
- Would you like coffee with that?
- alt.good.news
- A place for some news that's good news.
- alt.gopher
- Discussions of gopher-news servers, clients, protocols.
- alt.gorets
- ...is like a crowded theatre full of piggies.
- alt.gothic
- The gothic movement: things mournful and dark.
- alt.gourmand
- Recipes & cooking info. (Moderated)
- alt.grad-student.tenured
- Most prison terms are finished sooner.
- alt.graphics.pixutils
- Discussion of pixmap utilities.
- alt.great-lakes
- Discussions of the Great Lakes and adjacent places.
- alt.guitar
- Guitar enthusiasts.
- alt.guitar.bass
- Bass guitars.
- alt.guitar.tab
- Discussions about guitar tablature music.
- alt.hackers
- Descriptions of projects currently under development. (Moderated)
- alt.health.ayurveda
- ?
- alt.hemp
- It's about knot-tying with rope. Knot!
- alt.heraldry.sca
- Heraldry in the Society of Creative Anachronism.
- alt.hindu
- Discussion related to Hindu philosophy and various issues. (Moderated)
- alt.history.what-if
- Discussions of possible alternate histories.
- alt.homosexual
- Same as alt.sex.homosexual.
- alt.horror
- The horror genre.
- alt.horror.cthulhu
- Cthulhu, Cthulu, Ctulhu, Ctulu, and the rest.
- alt.horror.werewolves
- Discussion of Werewolves.
- alt.hotrod
- High speed automobiles. (Moderated)
- alt.housing.nontrad
- Communes, co-housing & alternative living arrangements.
- alt.humor.best-of-usenet
- What the moderator thinks is funniest. (Moderated)
- alt.humor.best-of-usenet.d
- Why everyone else doesn't it's funny.
- alt.hypertext
- Discussion of hypertext -- uses, transport, etc.
- alt.hypnosis
- Discussion of hypnosis, hypnotism, trance states, etc.
- alt.illuminati
- ?
- alt.image.medical
- Medical image exchange discussions.
- alt.india.progressive
- Progressive politics in the Indian sub-continent. (Moderated)
- alt.individualism
- Philosophies where individual rights are paramount.
- alt.industrial
- The Industrial Computing Society.
- alt.info-science
- ?
- alt.info-theory
- All aspects of information theory.
- alt.internet.access.wanted
- Information about connecting to the Internet.
- alt.internet.services
- Information about services available on the Internet.
- alt.internet.talk-radio
- ?
- alt.irc
- Internet Relay Chat material.
- alt.irc.ircii
- Discussion of the IRC II client program.
- alt.irc.recovery
- Kill your television... er, IRC client.
- alt.japanese.text
- Postings in Japanese; Japanese language software.
- alt.journalism
- General hangout for journalists.
- alt.journalism.criticism
- I write, therefore I'm biased.
- alt.kids-talk
- A place for the pre-college set on the net.
- alt.kill.the.whales
- This newsgroup is evidence for the coming apocalypse.
- alt.lang.asm
- Assembly languages of various flavours.
- alt.lang.awk
- ?
- alt.lang.basic
- The Language That Would Not Die.
- alt.lang.cfutures
- Discussion of the future of the C programming language (not C++).
- alt.lang.intercal
- Discussion and tools for the Intercal language.
- alt.lang.ml
- The ML and SML symbolic languages.
- alt.lang.teco
- The TECO editor language.
- alt.law-enforcement
- ?
- alt.lemmings
- ?
- alt.locksmithing
- Discussions about locksmithing.
- alt.lucid-emacs.bug
- Bug reports about Lucid Emacs.
- alt.lucid-emacs.help
- Q&A and general discussion of Lucid Emacs.
- alt.lycra
- For discussion of the miracle fashion fabric.
- alt.magic
- For discussion about stage magic.
- alt.magick
- Discussion of magick and related arts and sciences.
- alt.magick.sex
- Sexuality, spirituality, and magick.
- alt.manga
- Discussion of non-Western comics.
- alt.materials.simulation
- Discussion of computer modeling of materials. (Moderated)
- alt.mcdonalds
- Can I get fries with that?
- alt.med.cfs
- ?
- alt.meditation
- General discussion of meditation.
- alt.meditation.transcendental
- Contemplation of states beyond the teeth.
- alt.memetics
- The evolution of ideas in societies.
- alt.messianic
- Messianic traditions.
- alt.military.cadet
- Military training programs.
- alt.misanthropy
- ?
- alt.missing-kids
- Locating missing children.
- alt.models
- Model building, design, etc.
- alt.msdos.programmer
- For the serious MS/DOS programmer (no forsale ads).
- alt.mud
- Same as rec.games.mud.
- alt.mud.chupchups
- Look at the one on the left!
- alt.mud.german
- For German-speaking MUD-er's.
- alt.mud.lp
- The LP multi-user dungeon.
- alt.music.a-cappella
- Singing unaccompanied by musical instruments.
- alt.music.alternative
- Discussion of "alternative" music.
- alt.music.bela-fleck
- Discussion related to Bela Fleck.
- alt.music.canada
- ?
- alt.music.enya
- Discussion of Enya's music.
- alt.music.filk
- Discussions of the music of the SF fanatic.
- alt.music.hardcore
- Guitar based hardcore music.
- alt.music.jewish
- ?
- alt.music.marillion
- ?
- alt.music.prince
- ?
- alt.music.progressive
- Progressive rock, eg, Genesis, RUSH, Yes, et cetera.