Watch Erin Jansen on the Martha Stewart Show
Erin discussing The Language of Texting with Martha Stewart - here's the YouTube link!
With hundreds of millions of people communicating regularly via text messagaging, many people like to use shorthand... you know acronyms and abbreviations. But what do they all mean? founder Erin Jansen tracks online jargon and offers Martha Stewart some basic translation!
Get the book featured on her program: Texting Terms: Every Online Abbreviation You Need to Know
* 143: I Love You
* 2moro: Tomorrow
* 2nite: Tonight
* 411: Information
* B4N: Bye for Now
* BITD: Back in the Day
* BFF: Best Friends Forever
* BRB: Be Right Back
* BTW: By the Way
* FTF: Face-to-Face
* IRL: In Real Life
* JK: Just Kidding
* LOL: Lots of Laughs
* NBD: No Big Deal
* NP: No Problem or Nosy Parents
* OMG: Oh My God
* OT: Off Topic
* POV: Point of View
* RT: Real Time
* TMI: Too Much Information
* TTYL: Talk to You Later
- Erin Jansen on The Martha Stewart Show (PDF)
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